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Bacterial infection

Category: Illness or disabilities


Involuntary and voluntary

Introduction and description

A truly vast number of diseases and illnesses are caused by bacteria.

The bacteria which cause some illnesses we have known about for some time, some bacteria we have only just discovered and according to many scientists there are many more bacteria where the link between the disease and the bacteria has yet to be discovered.

On this site I have provided a section for each disease rather than group every disease caused by bacteria under this heading, but I have added this section in order to provide a catch all category for illnesses and diseases which have been linked to bacteria but which have no separate section.

Examples of diseases caused by bacteria and which have caused spiritual experiences include:

  • Cholera -  is an infection of the small intestine caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.  The main symptoms are watery diarrhoea and vomiting. This may result in dehydration and in severe cases greyish-bluish skin. Transmission occurs primarily by drinking water or eating food that has been contaminated by the faeces (waste product) of an infected person, including one with no apparent symptoms.  The severity of the diarrhoea and vomiting can lead to rapid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, and death in some cases.
  • Croup  -  laryngeal diphtheria, bacterial tracheitis, laryngotracheobronchitis, and laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis  are due to bacterial infection and are usually of greater severity
  • Diphtheria  - is an upper respiratory tract illness caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, a facultative anaerobic, Gram-positive bacterium.   It is characterized by sore throat, low fever, and an adherent membrane (a pseudomembrane) on the tonsils, pharynx, and/or nasal cavity.  Historically quite common, diphtheria has largely been eradicated in developed nations through widespread vaccination.
  • Dysentry - Dysentery is a symptom of, among others, the Shigella and Salmonella bacteria.
  • Shigella is a genus of Gram-negative, facultative anaerobic bacteria closely related to Salmonella.   The causative agent of human shigellosis, it is only naturally found in humans and apes.  During infection, it typically causes dysentery. Shigella is one of the leading bacterial causes of diarrhea worldwide, it “causes about 90 million cases of severe dysentery, with at least 100,000 of these resulting in death, each year”.
  • Salmonella is a genus of rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacteria. There are only two species of Salmonella, Salmonella bongori and Salmonella enterica. The genus belongs to the same family as Escherichia, which includes the species E.coli.  Salmonellae cause illnesses such as typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and food poisoning.
  • Encephalitis  - is an acute inflammation of the brain and can be caused by either a virus or bacteria
  • Endocrine system diseases  - such as Addison's disease are being linked with bacteria.  TB seems to be one of the first bacteria to be identified
  • Food poisoning  - is any illness resulting from the consumption of food which has been contaminated by bacteria, viruses, or parasites
  • Gonorrhea (colloquially known as the clap)  - is a human sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
  • Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) is an infectious disease caused by at least three species of bacteria belonging to the genus Borrelia. Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto is the main cause of Lyme disease in North America, whereas Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii cause most European cases.
  • Mastoiditis - Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophillus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis are the most common organisms causing acute mastoiditis.
  • Meningitis - Several types of bacteria can cause meningitis.   In premature babies and newborns up to three months old, common causes are  group B streptococci, Escherichia coli and  Listeria monocytogenes.
  • Motor neurone disease - is caused by Clostridium perfringens (formerly known as C. welchii) a Gram-positive, rod-shaped, anaerobic, spore-forming bacterium of the genus Clostridium.
  • Sexually transmitted infections such as
  • non-gonococcal urethritis -The most common bacterial cause of NGU is Chlamydia trachomatis, but it can also be caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum, Haemophilus vaginalis, and Mycoplasma genitalium.
  • Chlamydia - Chlamydia infection is a common sexually transmitted infection in humans caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis
  • cervicitis - Cervicitis can be caused by any of a number of infections, of which the most common are chlamydia and gonorrhea, with chlamydia accounting for approximately 40% of cases. Trichomonas vaginalis and herpes simplex [viruses] are less common causes of cervicitis. The role of Mycoplasma genitalium [parasite] and bacterial vaginosis in causing cervicitis is still under investigation
  • Chancroid - Chancroid is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection characterized by painful sores on the genitalia. Chancroid is known to spread from one individual to another solely through sexual contact.
  • Granuloma inguinale - a bacterial disease caused by K. granulomatis characterized by ulcerative genital lesions


  • Peritonitis - Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin tissue that lines the inner wall of the abdomen and covers most of the abdominal organs.  Bacteria can cause peritonitis as can certain viral infections
  • Pertussis also known as whooping cough - a highly contagious bacterial disease caused by Bordetella pertussis. Symptoms develop into severe coughing fits, which produce the namesake high-pitched "whoop" sound in infected babies and children when they inhale air after coughing
  • Pneumonia  - may be caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated in nearly 50% of cases.  Other commonly isolated bacteria include: Haemophilus influenzae in 20%, Chlamydophila pneumoniae in 13%, , and Mycoplasma pneumoniae in 3%.  Another important Gram-positive cause of pneumonia is Staphylococcus aureus, with Streptococcus agalactiae being an important cause of pneumonia in newborn babies
  • Q fever - is a disease caused by infection with Coxiella burnetii, a bacterium that affects humans and other animals. This organism is uncommon, but may be found in cattle, sheep, goats and other domestic mammals, including cats and dogs. The infection results from inhalation of a spore-like small cell variant, and from contact with the milk, urine, feces, vaginal mucus, or semen of infected animals. Rarely, the disease is tick borne.
  • Rheumatic fever - is an inflammatory disease that occurs following a Streptococcus pyogenes infection, such as streptococcal pharyngitis or scarlet fever. It is caused by antibody cross-reaction that can involve the heart, joints, and skin .  The illness is so named because of its similarity in presentation to rheumatism

  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever  - is the most lethal and most frequently reported rickettsial illness in the United States. It has been diagnosed throughout the Americas. Some synonyms for Rocky Mountain spotted fever in other countries include “tick typhus,” “Tobia fever” (Colombia), “São Paulo fever” or “febre maculosa” (Brazil), and “fiebre manchada” (Mexico). The disease is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, a species of bacterium that is spread to humans by Dermacentor ticks. Initial signs and symptoms of the disease include sudden onset of fever, headache, and muscle pain, followed by development of rash. The disease can be difficult to diagnose in the early stages, and without prompt and appropriate treatment it can be fatal.
  • Scarlet fever  - is a disease caused by exotoxin released by Streptococcus pyogenes.
  • Skin diseases - like Psoriasis and dermatitis have been shown to be caused by bacteria like Streptococcus pyogenes and staphylococci [PMID: 20607546]
  • Sydenham's chorea (SC) -  results from infection with Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococci
  • Syphilis - Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum.
  • Thyroid disease - Yersinia enterocolitica is a species of gram-negative bacterium, belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae. Yersinia enterocolitica infection causes a number of diseases where if the person [or animal] recovers it becomes an asymptomatic carrier. It infects the host by sticking to the cells of the host using Trimeric Autotransporter Adhesins (TAA) At present, the genus Yersinia includes 11 established species: Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, Y. kristensenii, Y. bercovieri, Y. mollaretii, Y. rohdei,Y. aldovae and Y. ruckeri.  Scientists are beginning to make the link between this bacteria and a whole host of diseases – Graves disease which is a thyroid disease, so called pseudotuberculosis, enteritis/diarrhoea, fever and hyperthermia, so called pseudoappendicitis, liver disease, and spleen disease.  Y. enterocolitica infections are sometimes followed by chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis
  • Tuberculosis - Tuberculosis, (short for tubercle bacillus) is a common and in many cases lethal infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Typhoid - It is transmitted by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with the feces of an infected person, which contain the bacterium Salmonella enterica
  • Typhus -  is any of several similar diseases caused by Rickettsia bacteria and carried by lice. The name comes from the Greek typhos (τῦφος) meaning smoky or hazy, describing the state of mind of those affected with typhus. The causative organism Rickettsia is an obligate parasite bacterium that cannot survive for long outside living cells.
  • Ulcers, stomach cancer and IBS - Helicobacter pylori  is a Gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium found in the stomach. It is present in patients with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers. It is also linked to the development of duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer. It is thus a serious problem in some people. However, over 80 percent of individuals infected with the bacterium are asymptomatic. More than 50% of the world's population harbor H. pylori in their upper gastrointestinal tract. And these bacteria can cause IBS like symptoms
  • Whipple's disease  - is a systemic infectious disease, first described by George Hoyt Whipple in 1907.  It is caused by the bacterium Tropheryma whipplei.


A bacteriophage  is a virus that infects and replicates within a bacterium. The term is derived from "bacteria" and the Greek: φαγεῖν (phagein), "to devour". The word devour is misleading.  Generally speaking, the viruses do not actually harm their host, but co-exist, using them like a Trojan horse to enter other organisms.  In effect the bacteria, perhaps being one less likely to be attacked by the immune system because it is one naturally found in the host, is used as a hiding place in the host – a place in which the virus can breed and spread its little phages.

The description in the science section needs to be read in order to fully understand phages.  But it is clear from the evidence, that in quite a number of cases we are attributing disease to the bacteria, when the true culprit is the phage.  In this case antibiotics simply will not work.  One bacteria in which this applies is the Streptococci bacteria


In many cases, the best type of treatment is to rest and let the immune system fight the bacteria for you.  The use of zinc to help the immune system sometimes helps.

Failing this there are two main types of treatment available

  •  Natural food stuffs and plant derivatives, many of which have a natural healing action. These are described here in the observations
  •  Antibiotics, which are described in a separate section.  Given that the culprit of the disease may be a virus and not the host bacteria, and that the viruses can live without their host, we may be doing inestimable harm by giving antibiotics to people, especially as it has now been proven that antiobiotics can destroy the bacteria in our intestines and those bacteria form a key part of our defences.

How it works


The way the bacteria work to give you a spiritual experience depends largely on which disease or illness results, however, one common link is often the presence of fever and hyperthermia.


You need to have the Model of the Mind open and have read How spiritual experience works.

Any substance that enters our bodies is assessed for whether it is a help or a threat.  When any substance enters via whatever route – by mouth, by wounds, by injection, by inhalation, by smoking or snuffing or smearing on our skin as an ointment and thus absorption via the skin, the body’s defence mechanism checks to see what it is and whether it is friend or foe.

At too high a level, at levels where cell destruction can take place and the body itself is at risk, the cells send out a message to the Will via the nervous system which says HELP HELP HELP THREAT THREAT THREAT we are being attacked we are dying DO SOMETHING.

The Will responds by mobilising its defence systems – immune system, the system of the kidneys and liver which act as filters, the stomach with the acid, the blood filtering system and so on.  But at overdose levels the defence systems may be overwhelmed and the messages keep on coming in.

HELP, HELP, HELP, THREAT, THREAT, THREAT, we are being attacked, we are dying DO SOMETHING.

The Will can do no more from a defensive point of view, but it is able to release messages which help to ease the pain and this it does.  Thus we get endorphins, for example, being released, which give pain relief and start to shut down functions we no longer have need of because the energy is better targeted to survival. 

The presence of all these neurotransmitters is a sure sign of overdose.  We don’t get a spiritual experience via neurotransmitters – neurotransmitters like these are just indicators that the body is trying to ease the pain and suffering from the damage it is experiencing.

At this point we might start to get hallucinations as the non essential functions of Memory and Learning are gradually shut down.

But if the overdose is severe and the messages continue HELP, HELP, HELP, THREAT, THREAT, THREAT, we are being attacked, we are dying DO SOMETHING. the Will takes some very drastic action and mobilises all its energy and defenses into the autonomic system.

Now comes some serious activity when we can go out of body, because the Reasoning system Memory and Learning system have all been shut down and we are in effect on automatic pilot – we have gone AWOL.

Unless the autonomic systems can handle the threat, from this point on we are dying.

Death is thus the termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism and death by bacterial infection can produce some very profound experiences, simply because function elimination is so very complete.

At the stage where death is inevitable what is going on is a form of controlled shut down of practically all the functions of the mind. 

The function of the ‘will’ continues to manage the autonomic systems, but consciousness may be transferred from the Personality to the Higher spirit.  The person is actually perceiving as the spirit from that point on. 

The perception function and the perceptions go with the Higher Spirit, but all functions relating to the body are gradually shut down in a controlled way by the Will.  The last function to be extinguished is the will itself and the will does not extinguish itself until metaphorically speaking the cord has been cut – the person has crossed the bridge or the stream or whatever is metaphorically shown as the divide between life and death.

Once the cord has been cut, the function of will shuts itself off.  And you die.

As the perceptions go with the Higher Spirit, the Spirit takes over the process that was formerly the will, the software that controls 'seeing' and 'hearing' have no need to go with the composer because within the spiritual world perception is pure perception unfettered by the software needed to process the input from the 5  senses

Human emotions stay behind and cease, but the divine emotions suddenly become apparent to the person – they experience – perhaps for the first time what divine love is. 

Memory stays with the body and dies.  All nervous sensation software/function stays with the body and dies.  Reasoning dies, learning dies.

The adapted model is shown below.  You are now an angel.

References and further reading


This is a TED video and fascinating - Bonnie Bassler: How bacteria "talk"


You will find the observations for the illnesses listed above with the respective disease, what follows are the observations for other illnesses caused by bacteria.

Related observations