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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Shereston, Adam

Category: Healer

Alignment is the autobiograhy of Adam Shereston.  It is the only book he has ever written, and may well remain the only book he ever writes,  but it is compelling reading because Adam is not a writer by profession, he was persuaded to write the book because his experiences were so extraordinary.

Adam's mother had a very difficult time during her pregnancy and his birth did not go well.  His mother nearly died trying to bring him into the world, she had complications from diabetes during pregnancy and whilst giving birth a vessel in her uterus ruptured causing her to haemorrhage.  But she lived and Adam was saved. But his birth was not 'normal'. 

His father died when he was 6 years old, in traumatic circumstances, so we can add psychological trauma to the list of unusual events during his early life.

But initially he appeared to be no different to anyone else.  He found it difficult to settle and had a variety of jobs from looking after the Queen's gun dogs to putting up fencing, and being a barman in Spain and Greece.  He also went a little wild for a short time, drinking excessively and fighting.  He had a short period of suffering panic attacks and went to a hypnotherapist and it was this treatment that seemed to bring something out of him that had lain dormant.

And then apparently out of the blue he had a kundalini awakening which gave him an out of body experience.

Needless to say the experience totally shocked him, but he set out to learn what had happened to him.  Gradually he learnt more about the spiritual world, as people were brought into his life that taught and helped him.  Eventually he mastered some medium skills, but he found his greatest gift was that of being able to heal with hands through the new powers he gained.  He found he could both detect illnesses and heal them and  the gift was greatest with horses.  And Adam became a 'horse whisperer'.

Mark Tompkins [Newmarket racehorse trainer] "I was amazed by the result and God knows what he does, but if there's such a thing as a miracle, this was one.  Adam is a bit of a character, but he certainly has a gift".

Adam now travels around the UK and continental Europe both healing and teaching his approach to handling horses and helping both horse owners and horses alike.


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