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Wereide, Professor Thorstein

Category: Scientist

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


 Professor Thorstein Gunnarsson Wereide (born March 9, 1882 in Gloppen , died December 14, 1969 in Oslo ) was a Norwegian physicist . He was also a painter, and has given a large collection of paintings to Nordfjord Folkhøgskule .

A bit about his studies and physics

Professor Wereide was the son of farmer Gunnar Absalonson Vereide (1853-1919) and Marte Torsteinsdatter Rye (1852-1927).

After the upbringing at Ytre Vereide at Gloppefjorden, he joined the private school of the village before it was taught to Bergen and graduate artium from Hambro's school in 1903, one year at Volda teacher school and one at the War School . Around 1910 he became a cand.real. at the University of Oslo and wrote the dissertation Soret's phenomenon. A study of a physical problem that secured him a doctorate in 1913. It was about thermodiffusion and based on discoveries that the Swiss sororet (1854-1904) had made around 1879.

He studied 1913-14 theoretical physics in Paris under Jean Baptiste Perrin and Paul Langevin , in 1915-16 in Leipzig and Göttingen University . He searched for various studies on the professorship after Kristian Birkeland (1867-1917), who went to Lars Vegard (1880-1963) from Vegårdshei. On the other hand, Thorstein was in Egypt to study the after-work of Birkeland, who had lived in Egypt in his last years. From 1919 to 1953, Wereide was a lecturer at the Department of Physical Sciences .

A little about his other interests


Professor Wereide attended the School of Art and the State Art Academy and painted with Rector Wilhelm Peters (1851-1935). Wereide was also very interested in parapsychology , and was active in the Norwegian Society for Psychological Research and the Norwegian Society for Parapsychological Research .

He published several books on the subject and met the journalist Sophie Margrethe Bredsdorff (1880-1967) whom he married in 1925. As a freemason , he had the highest grade and received the honorary character from the Norwegian Masonic Order , whose member's announcements he had founded.


  • Thorstein Wereide (1919). Psychological phenomena . Kristiania: Gyldendal.
  • Thorstein Wereide (1922). Relativity, or structure of the period . Christiania.
  • Thorstein Wereide (1940). Physics natural laws and molecular physics: 165 exercises and 165 figures . Oslo: T. Wereide.
  • Thorstein Wereide (1948). Mystery Society: introductory orientation about the closed ethical-religious community . Oslo: [sn]


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