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Business and political leaders

Rasch, Sir Frederic Carne

Category: Business and political leaders

Frederic Carne Rasch (1847-1914), by William Maw Egley

Sir Frederic Carne Rasch, 1st Baronet (9 November 1847 – 26 September 1914) was a British Conservative politician.

Rasch was born in London, the only son of Frederick Carne, a barrister, and his wife Catherine James Edwards, daughter of James Edwards.

He was educated at Eton College and Trinity College, Cambridge.

He then became a Lieutenant in the 6th Dragoon Guards (the Carabineers) and served with them for ten years. Subsequently, he became Captain and Honorary Major of the 4th Battalion of the Essex Regiment. He was a J.P. a Deputy Lieutenant, and county alderman for Essex.

Rasch stood unsuccessfully for the Elland Division of the North-West Riding in 1875. He was elected Member of Parliament for Essex South-East in 1886, a seat he held until 1900, and then represented Chelmsford until 1908. In 1903 he was created a Baronet, of Woodhill in Danbury in the County of Essex.

Although the name Rasch is considered of German origin, Sir Carne Rasch was descended from a line originating in the Danish Duchy of Schleswic in Holstein.

Rasch married Katherine Anne, daughter of Henry Lyons Giffenhoofe, in 1879. He died in September 1914, aged 66. Lady Rasch died in 1944. Sir Frederic Carne Rasch was succeeded in the baronetcy by his eldest son, also named Frederick Carne although he was known and referred to by intimates as "Carne" rather than as Frederick.

The reason he is on the site is because he was the subject of a most convincing case of Doppelganger; when he was ill in bed with 'flu his double appeared in the House of Commons and was even witnessed by several people.  Carne Rasch when fully recovered, found out about the incident and wrote a lengthy newspaper article jokingly explaining that his will to participate in the debate was so strong that his spirit was forced to attend on his behalf.


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