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Ordinary person

Mayo, Jeff

Category: Ordinary person

From the Mayo School of Astrology website

Jeff Mayo (1921-1998), D.M.S.Astrol (hon.), D.F.Astrol, was as an internationally respected astrologer and astrological educator. He founded and was principal of The Mayo School of Astrology, which opened in 1973 and rapidly gained students in dozens of countries worldwide.

He was also Head Tutor at the Faculty of Astrological Studies from 1957 to 1973, and Principal from 1969 to 1973. Jeff continued with the school until his retirement in 1981.

Jeff died after a long illness on April 17th 1998, at 9:10 AM BST in Barnstable, England. Jeff's instructional texts were very highly regarded. They included The Planets and Human Behaviour, Teach Yourself Astrology, and Astrology, a Key to Personality.


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