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Green, Lennart

Category: Magician


Lennart Green (born December 25, 1941) is a Swedish world champion close-up/card magician, a title which he won in 1991 at the FISM convention in Lausanne, Switzerland.  

He is known for his seemingly chaotic routines which, in spite of first appearances, display great skill and just a hint of abilities beyond just magic.  His original techniques and presentation style form 'an unorthodox and innovative contribution to sleight of hand magic'.

Green competed at the 1988 FISM convention in The Hague, Netherlands, and was erroneously disqualified because the judges incorrectly believed he had used stooges in his act to shuffle the cards.   In 1991, he performed the same act but insisted that the judges themselves shuffle the cards to prove that he used no stooges. The judges then awarded him first place.


Green has appeared on the fourth World's Greatest Magic television special. He lives in Gothenburg, Sweden, and lectures internationally.

He appeared at TED in February 2005 and the observation is of his presentation.  The script [which I have included] is important.


  • Green Magic – Classic Green, Volumes 1–6, DVD
  • Green Magic – Green Lite, Volume 7, DVD
  • Masterfile, Volumes 1–4, DVD
  • The Stolen Cards, DVD
  • The Figurine, DVD


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