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Category: Website

The book today

Botanical.com is the home of the online version of Mrs Grieves A Modern Herbal. The  website address is http://botanical.com/

The hyper-text version of...A Modern Herbal, contains Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-Lore of Herbs.

  • Plant & Herb Index More than 800 varieties of herbs & plants.

  • Index of Recipes A listing of 29 plants that include recipes.

  • Index of Poisons A listing of 44 plants that are listed as poisonous.



It is an extraordinary achievement by the website compilers and Mrs Grieves, and although it contains only the conventional wisdom of the early 1900's, it at least documents herbal wisdom ensuring it is not lost. Some information may now be considered inaccurate, or not in accordance with modern medicine, but on the other hand modern medicine has often been shown to be wrong. As such this provides a useful balancing source. 

About the author

Mrs Grieve

Sophia Emma Magdalene Grieve (née Law) known simply as Mrs. Grieve was a Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society with an encyclopedic knowledge of medicinal plants.  She was President of the British Guild of Herb Growers, and Fellow of the British Science Guild.

She was also the Principal and Founder of The Whins Medicinal and Commercial Herb School and Farm at Chalfont St. Peter in Buckinghamshire, England.  This training school gave tuition and practical courses in all branches of herb growing, collecting, drying and marketing. Grieve had an extensive herbal garden in Chalfont St. Peter, and during World War I she trained people in the harvesting, drying and preparation of medicinal herbs, to help remedy the shortage of medicinal supplies.

Mrs Leyel's editing of the original manuscript

To meet a large demand for information on herbal medicines during the First World War, Mrs Grieve started publishing pamphlets on the cultivation of herbs and uses of herbal medicines. These pamphlets were highly regarded by her peers and were eventually published.

Grieve's work A Modern Herbal was published in 1931. The book contains medicinal, culinary, cosmetic and economic properties, cultivation and folklore of herbs from all over the world. The book is still in print but is available online from the website address above.

Mrs. Hilda Leyel added American herbs to Mrs. Grieve's monographs and checked and edited the whole work. Hilda Leyel was the founder of the Society of Herbalists and for many years its Director. She was instrumental in the re-establishment of herbal medicine in Britain in the 1900s. She was also a practicing herbalist herself.





The book is still being published, however, as mentioned above the online version is also available with a useful index and added details.

The  website address is http://botanical.com/





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