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Observations placeholder

Wesley, John - Sermon 58 - On destiny



Type of Spiritual Experience


The Great Work in its conception [the plan]  is thus out of time

A description of the experience

extract from The Sermons of John Wesley - Sermon 58 -On Predestination


Spiritual path - the Calling -  And could you take view of all those upon earth who are now sanctified, you would find no one of these had been sanctified till after he was called. He was first called, not only with an outward call, by the word and the messengers of God, but likewise with an inward call, by his Spirit applying his word, enabling him to believe in the only-begotten Son of God, and bearing testimony with his spirit that he was a child of God. And it was by this very means they were all sanctified. It was by a sense of the love of God shed abroad in his heart, that everyone of them was enabled to love God. .... God calls a sinner his own, that is, justifies him, before he sanctifies. And by this very thing, the consciousness of his favour, he works in him that grateful, filial affection, from which spring every good temper, and word, and work.

Destiny - And who are they that are thus called of God, but those whom he had before predestinated, or decreed, to "conform to the image of his Son" This decree (still speaking after the manner of men) precedes every man's calling: Every believer was predestinated before he was called.

Great work - For God calls none, but "according to the counsel of his will," according to this proqesis, or plan of acting, which he had laid down before the foundation of the world.

.............The sum of all is this: the almighty, all-wise God sees and knows, from everlasting to everlasting, all that is, that was, and that is to come, through one eternal now. With him nothing is either past or future, but all things equally present. He has, therefore, if we speak according to the truth of things, no foreknowledge, no afterknowledge. This would be ill consistent with the Apostle's words, "With him is no variableness or shadow of turning;" and with the account he gives of himself by the Prophet, "I the Lord change not."

The source of the experience

Wesley, John

Concepts, symbols and science items


Son, the

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


