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Observations placeholder

Ur - Temple hymn



Type of Spiritual Experience


Ur is known in Sumerian: as Urim.

A description of the experience

101-108. O Urim, bull standing in the wet reeds, E-kiš-nu-ĝal (House sending light to the earth (?)), calf of a great cow, …… light of holy heaven, ……, trap laid in a nest, Urim, container feeding all lands, you are a shrine in a pure place, earth of An -- O house of Suen, at your front a prince, at your back a ruler, your dining hall with adab songs, your great, holy banqueting hall with šem and ala drums! The light coming from you and your true lordship is a precious destiny.

109-117. Ĝipar, princely shrine of the holy divine powers, shining like the …… sun, E-kiš-nu-ĝal, beaming moonlight which comes forth in the Land, broad light of midday which fills all lands, house, your platform is a great snake, a marsh of snakes. Your foundation is the abzu, fifty in number, and the engur, seven in number, a shrine which looks into the heart of the gods. Your prince, the prince who makes decisions, the crown of the wide heaven, the sovereign of heaven, Ašimbabbar, has erected a house in your precinct, O shrine Urim, and taken his seat upon your dais.

118. 17 lines: the house of Nanna in Urim.

119-128. O E-mu-maḫ (House with a magnificent name), rising mountain of heaven, your holy sides and your great foundation are a precious destiny. Interior full with princely divine powers, a beaming light which shines, shrine with your back to the blue sky and your prominent front to all people, in the Land it represents a binding agreement and a single track. Magnificent river with open mouth gathering together your …… divine powers, your base is great in awesomeness, a righteous hill grown in a broad place. Your lofty dwelling-place of magnificence with all the divine powers of princeship, ……, shouting ……; house of celebration, your platform gladdens the settlements.

129-133. House, your prince Šulgi has made it great and most princely. The perfect and magnificent ……, the mighty and great wind, adorned with the divine powers, determining destiny, Šulgi of An, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-ḫursaĝ (House which is a hill), and taken his seat upon your dais.

134. 15 lines: addition: E-ḫursaĝ of Šulgi in Urim.

The source of the experience

Mesopotamian system

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


