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Observations placeholder

Tibetan Book of the Dead - Visualising rebirth 1



Type of Spiritual Experience


This is part of a very long description which constitutes an exercise in understanding what rebirth can entail.  It has been interpreted by some I think as a description of what happens on death, but the only way the sages would have known this was to have assumed that what happens on rebirth happens on death and I am afraid that logically we cannot assume this.  So this is not death, it is a description of a rebirth experience.

A description of the experience

Amidst an expanse of light in the eastern channel branch of one's skull,
[Stands] Gauri, white in colour, holding a human-corpse cudgel and a skull;
Amidst an expanse of light in the southern channel branch of one's skull,
[Stands] Cauri, yellow in colour, shooting an arrow from a bow;
Amidst an expanse of light in the western channel branch of one's skull,
[Stands] Pramoha, red in colour, holding a crocodile victory-banner;
Amidst an expanse of light in the northern channel branch of one's skull,
[Stands] Vetali, black in colour, holding a vajra and a blood-filled skull;
Amidst an expanse of light in the south-eastern channel branch of one's skull,
[Stands] Pukkast, red-yellow in colour, clutching and devouring entrails;
Amidst an expanse of light in the south-western channel branch of one's skull,
[Stands] Ghasmarl, green-black in colour, stirring a blood-filled skull with a vajra;
Amidst an expanse of light in the north-western channel branch of one's skull,
[Stands] Caldali, pale-yellow in colour, [clutching] a human corpse and eating its heart;
Amidst an expanse of light in the north-eastern channel branch of one's skull,
[Stands] SmaSant, blue-black in colour, tearing apart the head and body of a bloated corpse.

To you, the Eight Matarah, beginning with Gauri,
[Who are embodiments] of the [eight] classes [of consciousness],
I bow down, make offerings, take refuge, and pray:
As soon As we die and begin to transmigrate,
At that very moment, when the visions of the intermediate state of reality dawn,
And we roam [alone] in cyclic existence[driven] by deep-seated confused perceptions,
May the four Matarah, beginning utith Gauri, draw us forward,
Leading us on the path of light,
Which is [the vibrance of] the sounds, lights and rays [of the eight classes of consciousness].
May the four Matarah, beginning uith Pukkasi, support us from behind,
And thus [encircled] rnay we be rescued
From the fearsome passageway of the intermediate state,
And be escorted to the level of an utterly perfected buddha.

The source of the experience

Tibetan Book of the Dead [Bardo Thodol]

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


