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Observations placeholder

Thomas, John F - Case Studies Bearing Upon Survival - Violets



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Case Studies Bearing Upon Survival – John F Thomas

On April 26, 1927, Feda reported from E. L. T. through Mrs. Leonard:

 “And then she says this, Do you know that sometimes she has brought flowers? and she is hoping very much that you will get the scent of these without a medium, without anybody, but you will just get this when you are alone. She is not quite sure that she will be able to do it but she is going to try and she is trying to do everything to let you know she is with you."

Two days later, in a sitting with Mrs. Barkel, the control says,

 “She is giving me violets, because she says it will mean something to you."

There is a possible hint at the perfume project in a statement from Mrs. Garrett on April 30:

 "I think, too, please, that in the near future she is going to catch you up much more intently, and hold you very close."

The night of May 1, 1927, about midnight, Mr. T. was restlessly trying to get to sleep in his hotel room, in London, when he suddenly distinctly sensed perfume. It was repeated several times and impressed him so that he arose and prowled about looking for a normal source, but found none, whatever. Then he sat up in bed and wrote an account of it on a card, which he still has, as follows:

Sunday, 5-l-'27-  11 :50 p.m. Scent of violets at least four times and prolonged each time. . Faint but unmistakable and with elusive trace of coolness as inhaled. Was not thinking of flowers but it came suddenly and dramatically."

On May 2, Mr. T. made notes on this experience in his diary. Some of the notes are as follows:

“At about midnight, after retiring but before going to sleep, I had an amazing experience. There was a faint but unmistakable scent of violets-four separate times but prolonged each time. . The first scent came most unexpectedly and when I had no thought of flowers, whatever. Since I immediately wrote this out on a card, I could not have been asleep and dreaming. In fact, I had just been wondering whether I was ever going to get to sleep. I had had strong coffee at about 9:30 or 10."

The source of the experience

Thomas, Dr John F

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




