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Observations placeholder

The role of parvovirus in the etiology of somatic pathology



Type of Spiritual Experience



Dysbiosis is also called dysbacteriosis and is a term for a microbial imbalance or maladaptation on or inside the body, such as an impaired microbiota. ... They also help protect the body from the penetration of pathogenic microbes.

Our body is full of colonies of harmless bacteria known as microbiota. ... But when one of these bacterial colonies is out of balance, it can lead to dysbiosis. Dysbiosis typically occurs when the bacteria in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract — which includes your stomach and intestines — become unbalanced.

A description of the experience

Georgian Med News. 2013 Oct;(223):56-60.
The role of parvovirus in the etiology of somatic pathology.
Topuriia TIu, Barnabashvili NO, Chubinishvili OV, Topuriia MT, Gulediani NN, Maisuradze EB.

The scope of the present research was to study parvovirus circulation in Tbilisi population and its role in etiology of somatic pathologies.

Parvovirus circulation in persons with autism and disorder of the nervous system was examined. Blood of 110 patients was examined. Among them 35 were children (up to 15 years old) and 75 adults, mainly with different somatic pathologies such as mineral metabolism disorder, allergic reactions, cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy and autism.

Almost all the children came from the so called frequently ill category and suffered from disbacteriosis. Among adults, 16 were parents of the ill children, while the rest came with hepatitis, mineral metabolism disorder of different type and psoriasis.

Blood serum of 30 adults was taken as an adult control group. Their age varied from 18 to 25 years. 10 children aged 2-15 constituted a children control group. Preventive examination was made and there were practically, absolutely healthy persons.

A total of 150 persons were involved in the research.

Frequency of parvoviral antibody detection in the ill children and adults is much higher than in healthy individuals. Consequently, positive results for the presence of M and G immunoglobulins in children equals to 54% and 85% respectively. In adults these indicator stand at 24% and 60% respectively. At the same time in 25% and 70% of parents of positive children were found to be positive for M immunoglobulin and G immunoglobulin respectively.

Thus our investigation made it clear that parvoviral infection actively circulates in Georgia. The present research did not study manifested parvoviral infection, i.e. 5th disease. If it had than the number of positive results probably would have been much higher.

In autistic children presence of parvoviral infection is consistent with the literature data.

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

