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Observations placeholder

The life review and the NDE 01



Type of Spiritual Experience


The NDE person may be given a life review which is a run through of their past perceptions.  Whether they get this or not depends a lot on whether the review is of help to them at that stage of their life.  Occasionally a review helps the person see what the next steps in life need to be.  Children hardly ever have reviews, not because their lives are too short, but because they are children still and don't need guidance on what to do next.

The review, is intended to help the person see their destiny  - what they are here for - and help them make a decision.  It is not intended to be in any way judgemental.

Thus they may see a rapid review of the whole of their life, or a partial review covering only the pertinent points.  The images are usually very vivid because they are obtained from the person's perceptions.


A description of the experience

Margot Grey – Return from Death

In all the core experiences, respondents quite categorically state that there was no sense of judgement, that any judgement came from themselves. 


My life started to flash before me.  I felt embarrassed every time a stupid thing I had done came up.  I sensed that the 'presence' was saying 'Yes, you did these things, but you were learning at the same time'.  It was then communicated to me that I should now go back.  I didn't want to, but I understood that there was still a lot of work for me to do.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


