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Observations placeholder

Sumerian poems and lamentations – 15 Lu-dingir-ra's Praise of his Mother



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

                   From The Message of Lu-dingir-ra to his Mother [15  Extracts from The “Message of Lu-dingir-ra to his Mother” and a Group of Akkado-Hittite “Proverbs”. M. Civil. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 23, 1964.]


Royal courier, start on your way,
As a special envoy, give this message to Nippur,
Start the long journey!
No matter if my mother is up or if she is sleeping,
Take the straight path to her dwelling.
The name is Sat-Istar, go to (her) with these instructions.
Messenger, without looking at my greetings,
Put into her hands the letter of greeting.
If you do not know my mother, I shall give you some signs:

My mother is joyful, she is covered with ornaments.
Her body, face and limbs are smooth. . .
Does not disobey the orders of her lord,
She is energetic and makes her affairs prosper.
Is loving, gentle and lively.
She is a lamb, good cream and sweet butter flow from her.

I shall give you a second sign about my mother:
My mother is like a bright light on the horizon, a doe in the mountains,
A morning star at noon.
A precious carnelian-stone, a topaz from Marhasi.
A treasure for the brother of the king, full of charm.
A seal of nir-stone, an ornament like a sun,
A tin bracelet, a ring of antasurra,
Bright gold, silver—
She is alive, a breathing thing.
An alabaster statuette, placed on a pedestal of lapis-lazuli—
A living figurine, her limbs are full of charm.

      I shall give you a third sign about my mother:
My mother is a heavenly rain, water for the best seeds,
A bountiful harvest, which grows a second crop:
A garden of delight, full of joy,
An irrigated fir-tree, covered with fir-cones:
An early fruit, the yield of the first month;
A canal which brings luxuriant waters to the irrigation ditches,
A sweet Dilmun date, sought in its prime.

I shall give you a fourth sign about my mother:
My mother fills songs and prayers with joy,
Her glance is sparklinq in the Akitum-festival.
Like a princess, a song of abundance,
She brings joy to the dancing places,
A lover, a loving heart of inexhaustible delight,
Food for the captive, who returns to his mother.

I shall give you a fifth sign about my mother:
My mother is a palm-tree, with a very sweet smell.
A chariot of pine-wood, a litter of box-wood.
A bunch of fruits, a garland growing luxuriantly.
A phial of ostrich shell, overflowing with perfumed oil.
When you stand in her radiant presence,
Thanks to the signs I gave you,
Say to her: "Your beloved son Lu-dingir-ra greets you!"

The source of the experience

Mesopotamian system

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




