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Observations placeholder

Styka, Jan - A premonition about his grandson Caspar



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Death and its Mystery, At the Moment of Death; Manifestations and Apparitions of the Dying – Camille Flammarion

Letter from Jan Styka November 2nd 1920, letter 4296

Dear Master and friend,

Here is the occurrence of which I spoke to you.  It was in 1912.

We had left, my son Tadee and I, for Mentone, in order to go to Gorbio to visit the sanatorium.  When we got to Mentone we did not find the automobile there which ran to and from Gorbio.

We were obliged to go into a confectioner’s shop and to take something to eat there, that we might be privileged to use the telephone to ask to have the automobile sent for us.

While we were waiting for it, drinking chocolate, I was suddenly gripped and tortured by most painful forebodings about my grandson Casper, who at that time was seven years old.  At that moment I realised just what it meant – this relationship of parents and grandparents to their grandchildren.

I thought of my wife’s father, who was also named Casper.  And sad at heart, I began to weep hot tears; my son, astonished, asked me what was the matter.

I told him that I was thinking of my grandchild and that I did not understand why I was so affected.

Well, 20 days afterward I learned through a letter from my daughter that at this very moment when I was so over powered, on a Sunday, at the same hour, little Caspar had undergone in Krakow, the operation of trepanning and had been in danger of dying.

The mystery of my emotion was thus explained.  Was that not a telepathic phenomenon which confirms the tentative theory which you put forward?


The source of the experience

Styka, Jan

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps





Being a child

