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Observations placeholder

Sting - Shape of my Heart



Type of Spiritual Experience


Listen to the words - lots of symbolism here too.... your personality is supposed to be 'found' in the heart, where love is

It may be interesting to look up the Tarot on the site too

A description of the experience

  Shape of my Heart

He deals the cards as a meditation
And those he plays never suspect
He doesn't play for the money he wins
He don't play for respect

He deals the cards to find the answer
The sacred geometry of chance
[Studio version:] The hidden law of a probable outcome
[Live version:] The hidden laws of a probable outcome
The numbers lead a dance

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart

He may play the Jack of diamonds
He may lay the Queen of spades
He may conceal a King in his hand
While the memory of it fades

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape, the shape of my heart

And if I told you that I loved you
You'd maybe think there's something wrong
I'm not a man of too many faces
The mask I wear is one

But those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse their luck in too many places
And those who fear a loss

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape, the shape of my heart


The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Sacred geography

Activities and commonsteps

