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Observations placeholder

Sri Swami Satchidananda



Type of Spiritual Experience


The following quote from Swami Satchidananda demonstrates well the difference between the contented person who accepts the moment and the driven person who is always looking for something new and stimulating.  It is worth adding I think that this kind man has set up an ashram in the USA and has thus experienced this particular form of driven behaviour in all its full force!

A description of the experience

Even in my lectures, I don't quote many scriptures or try to give something new each time.  Probably if I were to play back tapes of my past talks, it would be the same ideas again and again.

People might say “The swami says nothing new – the same old swami, the same old stuff.  Why do they listen again and again”?

I feel happy and they all feel happy being there, so they make me happy and I make them happy.  We just spend a little happy time together, that's all.  We just talk about something or do something in the name of yoga.  Yes, that is the secret.

There is a joy in being together, that's all.  So that is the life of detachment.  There is no expectation.  We just come together.  They don't feel that they are losing their money and I don't feel that I am gaining their money.  We are all as one family.  We pool our money and our energy and our ideas.

What else do we want in life?

The source of the experience

Hindu and yoga

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Contemplation and detachment



The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – translation and commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda