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Observations placeholder

Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – Once the Mentor took me from the Courts of Light, through what seemed to me a vast distance in space, to the summit of a high mountain



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Joy Snell – Ministry of Angels

Once the Mentor took me from the Courts of Light, through what seemed to me a vast distance in space, to the summit of a high mountain which was surrounded by lower peaks, all covered with snow.

“Behold!” he said, with a majestic gesture, “the wondrous beauty of the dawn.”

 The dawn was just beginning to break. The glory of the scene only an inspired pen could portray. On the mountains the colour changed from grey to the faintest pink, and from that to a rich, rosy red. In the eastern sky the shifting panorama of colour was even more beautiful. It was as though, with an unseen brush, some invisible titanic master artist was painting it with the opalescent tints of the rainbow. And then uprose the sun in majestic splendour, flooding the earth with light and warmth. To me it seemed that I was witnessing the veritable creation of the world.

“There will yet break,” said the Mentor, “a more glorious dawn for all mankind,” and again he exclaimed, “Behold!”

Looking down I beheld, far beneath me, a vision of earth’s toiling millions of all nations and races, in cities, fields and plains.

“All these,” said the Mentor, “are toiling for bread, but there is a deeper hunger in their souls which only the Infinite God can satisfy. And as you have seen the rising sun dispel the darkness of night from the earth, so, in the spiritual dawn which is to break for them, will the dark shadows of ignorance, doubt and fear be swept from their minds by the ministry of  God’s angels, and the knowledge of the love of God will illumine their souls.”

The source of the experience

Snell, Joy

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Activity not known

