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Observations placeholder

Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – Swimming in the Oceans



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – The Diary of a Sufi Master [translated by Carl Ernst]

79.Swimming in the Oceans

I was seeking God most high in the hidden world.

The more I sought him, the more intrusion there was from existence and from certain imaginings. I sought God’s aid for that, and he made me comprehend his grace, and he expelled my conscience from the regions of existence.

I reached the ocean of love, which was vaster than the world. I swam across that until I reached the ocean of knowledge, and I swam across that. Then I reached the ocean of mystical knowledge, and I swam across that, until I reached the ocean of oneness. I swam across that until I reached the ocean of- unknowing and magnificence, and I swam across that until I reached the ocean of attributes.

Then I reached the ocean of essence, and I was astonished that I lost the reality of the Truth.

I settled down for some time.

He appeared to me in majesty and beauty. All that I saw was related to his majesty as a drop is to the ocean. His kindness agitated me toward ecstasy and spiritual states.

I remained there some time, and then he hid from me.

It happened that I awoke later than my custom, and I was distressed by that.

The source of the experience

Ruzbihan Baqli

Concepts, symbols and science items


Map of the Egg

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dont hurt

