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Observations placeholder

Rubens - Ixion



Type of Spiritual Experience


Petrus-Paulus RUBENS; Siegen (Westphalie),   On the left, Ixion and the false Junon - sent by Jupiter to take revenge on the ungrateful seducer. On the right, the real Junon [with a peacock], moves towards her husband Jupiter. Painted about 1615, in the still heavy style, sculptural and post-mannerist of Rubens on his return from Italy, at the end of 1608.

My poem

A description of the experience

Rubens – Ixion roi des Lapithes, trompé par Junon qu'il voulait séduire

Jupiter, oh Jupiter, you’ve sent me here-  long gone
To revenge the way he shamed you and hurt the fair Junon
But I’m here with Ixion, a man you said would quickly leave me cold
But his hands are moving cross my breasts, he’s passionate and bold
He’s a rascal, he’s a seducer, he’s a scoundrel, he’s a rake
And he’ll love me and he’ll leave me and he will my poor heart break
You said that I, a woman who was ‘of the world’ and  ‘hard’
Would be unswayed by his gentle words and would not lower my guard
That I could tease him and seduce him and deceive his cruel heart
And you ignored my quiet question ‘but I don’t know how to start’
He’s a rascal, he’s a seducer, he’s a scoundrel, he’s a rake
And he’ll love me and he’ll leave me and he will my poor heart break
Jupiter, oh Jupiter, did you not ever think
That I appeared quite cold and distant for a reason, that one chink
In my life’s armour would reveal a heart so full of ache
Susceptible and  vulnerable and liable to break
He’s a rascal, he’s a seducer, he’s a scoundrel, he’s a rake
And he’ll love me and he’ll leave me and he will my poor heart break
So now this Ixion has pierced this armour that I wore
Until true love it came my way, I’d wear it, not before
Without it I am helpless I will fall, he’ll have his way
And you will not have your revenge, and he’ll have had his day
He’s a rascal, he’s a seducer, he’s a scoundrel, he’s a rake
And he’ll love me and he’ll leave me and he will my poor heart break 

Ah little twin of Junon, I thought in me you believed
Ixion cannot be hurt by those who  have deceived
The seductress and the temptress, the philanderer and cheat
Are easy prey for Ixion, they’re fodder at his feet
But a person who is pure of heart, whose innocence is real
Who loves him with an honest heart, who can for others feel
Will capture him, he will be yours, and yours forever more
So let him break your armour down and open up the door
Yes he’s a rascal,  a seducer, and  a scoundrel, and a rake
But he’ll love you, never leave you and he’ll never your  heart  break

The source of the experience

Rubens, Peter Paul

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being left handed

