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Observations placeholder

Ray Davies and the Kinks - 1966 Rosie Won't You Please Come Home



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

The Kinks - Rosie Won't You Please Come Home (HQ)


" Originally conceived as the soundtrack to a television play that was never produced, the band's first rock opera affectionately chronicled the trials and tribulations of a working class everyman and his family from the very end of the Victorian era through World War I and World War II, the postwar austerity years, and up to the 1960s.

The overall theme of the record was partly inspired by the life of Ray and Dave Davies' brother-in-law, Arthur Anning, who had married their older sister, Rose—herself the subject of an earlier Kinks song, "Rosie Won't You Please Come Home" (1966)—and had emigrated to Australia after the war.

Rosie won't you please come home?
Mama don't know where you've been.
Rosie won't you please come home?
Your room's clean and no one's in it.
Oh my rosie, how I miss you,
You are all the world to me.
Take a look and see if you like it,
If you like it please come back.
Rosie won't you please come home?
Since you've joined the upper classes,
You don't know us anymore.
Live and let your troubles pass.
Rosie, rosie, will you write and tell me,
If you don't want to come back?
I would sacrifice all I have
To have a happy home once more.
Rosie won't you please come home?
Two long years have passed away.
Since you tried to change your life,
Christmas wasn't quite the same.
Rosie, rosie, got any answers?
You are miles across the sea,
And I'll bake a cake if you tell me
You are on the first plane home.
Rosie won't you please come home?
Mama don't know where you've been.
Rosie won't you please come home?
Your room's clean and no one's in it.
Oh my rosie, how I miss you,
You are all the world to me.
Take a look and see if you like it,
If you like it please come back.
Oh rosie, will you please come back?
Songwriters: Ray Davies

The source of the experience

Ray Davies and the Kinks

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Manic depression

