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Porter, Cole - Begin the Beguine



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Begin the Beguine - Broadway Melody of 1940

"Begin the Beguine" was composed between Kalabahi, Indonesia, and Fiji during a 1935 Pacific cruise aboard Cunard's ocean liner Franconia.



A Beguine was originally a Christian lay woman of the 13th or 14th century living in a religious community without formal vows, but in the creole of the Caribbean, especially in Martinique and Guadeloupe, the term came to mean "white woman", and then to be applied to a style of music and dance, and in particular a slow, close couples' dance. This combination of French ballroom dance and Latin folk dance became popular in Paris and spread further abroad in the 1940s.

Based on the title dance, the song is notable for its 108-measure length, departing drastically from the conventional thirty-two-bar form. ….Musicologist and composer Alec Wilder described it in his book American Popular Song: The Great Innovators 1900–1950 as

"a maverick, an unprecedented experiment and one which, to this day, after hearing it hundreds of times, I cannot sing or whistle or play from start to finish without the printed music ... about the sixtieth measure I find myself muttering another title, End the Beguine."…..

It was released on the "B" side of the record "Indian Love Call", recorded by Artie Shaw.  "Begin the Beguine" became a best-selling record in 1938, peaking at No. 3., skyrocketing Shaw and his band to fame and popularity. The recording became one of the most famous and popular anthems of the entire Swing Era. Subsequent re-releases by RCA Victor and other releases on LPs, tapes and CDs have kept the recording readily available continuously ever since its initial release.

After Shaw introduced the song to dance halls, MGM brought out the musical film Broadway Melody of 1940, in which Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell danced to "Begin the Beguine".


Cole Porter – Begin The Beguine Lyrics

When they begin the beguine
It brings back the sound of music so tender,
It brings back a night of tropical splendor,
It brings back a memory ever green.

I'm with you once more under the stars,
And down by the shore an orchestra's playing
And even the palms seem to be swaying
When they begin the beguine.

To live it again is past all endeavor,
Except when that tune clutches my heart,
And there we are, swearing to love forever,
And promising never, never to part.

What moments divine, what rapture serene,
Till clouds came along to disperse the joys we had tasted,
And now when I hear people curse the chance that was wasted,
I know but too well what they mean;

So don't let them begin the beguine
Let the love that was once a fire remain an ember;
Let it sleep like the dead desire I only remember
When they begin the beguine.

Oh yes, let them begin the beguine, make them play
Till the stars that were there before return above you,
Till you whisper to me once more,
"Darling, I love you!"
And we suddenly know, what heaven we're in,
When they begin the beguine


something a bit different - to show how the basic tune and rhythm can be adapted into new moods, as one youtube commentator said "The minor key arrangement makes this the most haunting rendition of this song I've ever heard. I think Porter would have loved it."

Begin The Beguine -Sheryl Crow

The source of the experience

Porter, Cole

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


