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Observations placeholder

Plensa, Jaume - Las Provincias [The Provinces]



Type of Spiritual Experience


Las Provincias was installed around June 2019 in the central pond of the Principe Felipe Museum in Valencia.  The exhibition was promoted by the Hortensia Herrero Foundation.  It consisted of a series of giant female heads surrounded by the water of the southern lake of the complex designed by Santiago Calatrava. 

Water is spirit, symbolically. 

There are seven heads in total, each is looking a different way to emphasise the flatness of the sculptures – and the dual nature of all form.  The implication being that the heads are form and the water contains the spirit functions that animates them

The temporary exhibition installed in the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències in Valencia ended in November of the same year and had by that time attracted about 1.2 million visitors.  At the end of the exhibition,  the foundation, chaired by Mercadona's vice president, Hortensia Herrero, acquired  the Silvia and María sculptures, exhibited in the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències so that they remained in the Valencian Community. These two pieces were then toured round different Valencian towns, from November 14 in Elche (Alicante).

The Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències exhibition was one of the more ambitious exhibitions of Jaume Plensa .  It was the last in a a trilogy of exhibitions that the Hortensia Herrero Foundation began in 2017 with the Valencian Manolo Valdés and continued a year later with the British Tony Cragg.

A description of the experience



The source of the experience

Plensa, Jaume

Concepts, symbols and science items





Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


