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Observations placeholder

Pauli, Wolfgang - Dream, 12th April 1955



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Dream, 12th  April 1955

I am in California, on the Pacific Coast. There is a special new house there-a laboratory. Experiments are being carried out on the first floor, and a voice says "with two neutrinos." Along come experts from various fields. C. G. Jung is leading the way, running nimbly up the steps; he is followed by 2 physicists and-the youngest in the group-a biologist. I do not actually see much of the experiments this time, for the apparatus is rather unusual-consisting of shades and screens, etc., without any special technology, and it is also rather dark in the room. One of the physicists says it is a "nuclear reaction."

I walk out of the house and drive north in a car with the "unknown woman." We have left the scholars behind. The unknown woman sits on my left, and the sea, the Pacific, is also on the left, for we are heading north. I do not know of any specific destination. Finally, I pull up in a very nice spot that I really like the look of. On the left, between the road and the sea, I can now see a hill, dotted with houses, and on the way up there is a restaurant under the trees.

I wake up with a most pleasant feeling.

Context. The laboratory that appeared in the dream first recorded here is no longer a secret. I regard this as a success, even if not much of the experiment is visible. In the "new house" there is a synthesis of analytical psychology (which leads the way), physics, and biology, with the four scholars forming a mandala. The "two neutrinos" could possibly be translated as "two nonpolar unconscious contents in only very weak interaction with the conscious" (for neutrinos are a specially penetrating form of radiation). "Nucleus" usually refers to what C. G. Jung calls the "Self."

The reaction is going on there, not in the ego, which has simply been an onlooker.

Yet the reaction gives me an impetus that leads me to a pleasant place, one of natural beauty but already inhabited and civilized.

The source of the experience

Pauli, Wolfgang

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Dreaming and lucid dreaming

