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Observations placeholder

Parrish, Maxfield - Puss in Boots [1913]



Type of Spiritual Experience


There once liv'd a young man who was very poor.
For all that he had was a Cat;
His food being gone, he could get no more,
And so he resolv'd to kill that.

Now Puss from the cupboard came out and thus spoke,
"Grieve not my good master, I pray,
Provide me with boots, and a bag—'tis no joke—
Your fortune I'll make then straightway."

Puss baited his bag with parsley and bread,
And away to a warren he hied,
Where he laid himself down as if he was dead,
Until some young rabbits he spied.

One entered the bag, puss pull'd at the string,
The rabbit was kill'd in a trice,
Puss said this fine game I'll take to the king,
I'm sure he will say it is nice.

Next day to a wheat-field Grimalkin repair'd,
And there two fine partridges caught,
These he took to the king who kindly enquired,
From whence the fine present was brought.

"From the Marquis Carabas, great Monarch," said he,
"These birds and the rabbit I bring,"
They both were accepted, and puss in high glee
Receiv'd a reward from the king.

This king took a journey, his kingdom to view,
With his daughter so fine and so gay,
What happen'd then, I will now tell unto you,
To my tale therefore listen I pray.

Puss ran to a cornfield, to the reapers he said,
"When the king comes these words you repeat,
'To the Marquis Carabas these fields all belong,
Or I'll chop you as small as minced meat.'"

To an Ogre's grand castle grimalkin now went,
Which was opened by servants so gay,
'Is his highness the Ogre at home sir,' said he,
'For my bus'ness is urgent to-day.

The Ogre received him with kindness, and now,
Puss entr'd the castle so gay,
When making a low and reverend bow,
He march'd to the parlour straightway.

'Tis thought mighty Ogre by all in the nation,
That miraculous power you possess,
The power, when you please, of complete transformation,
This a miracle is and no less.

To convince you 'tis true, the Ogre replied,
I will change myself now in your sight:
He did so—a lion he now roars by his side,
Which put the poor cat in a fright.

"Mighty sir," said the Cat, "such a change I must say,
I never expected to view:
Yet I venture to doubt—your pardon I pray,
If a mouse you could change yourself to."

Doubt not, said the Ogre, my power to do so,
When a mouse he directly became,
On his victim Grimalkin immediately flew,
And sealed in an instant his doom.

The king and princess now arriv'd at the place,
But Puss who had travell'd much faster,
Came out and invited them in with much grace,
In the name of the Marquis, his master.

In a spacious saloon, they sat themselves down,
Where a banquet was already spread,
And that day, "PUSS IN BOOTS" gain'd greater renown,
For the marquis and princess were wed.

A description of the experience

The source of the experience

Parrish, Maxfield

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


