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Observations placeholder

Nobuyuki Tsujii - Van Cliburn 2009 FINAL and Semi final



Type of Spiritual Experience


Tsujii competed in the 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition and tied for the gold medal with Haochen Zhang.

Since his triumph at the Van Cliburn Competition, Tsujii has gained prominence in classical piano music, especially in his native Japan. His Cliburn CDs, as well as other CDs recorded before 2009, are now widely available. His official Van Cliburn disc (HMU 907505) sold well over 100,000 copies in one year.

A description of the experience

Van Cliburn 2009 - FINAL-Recital-Nobuyuki Tsujii

"Berceuse, Op. 57" by Nobuyuki Tsujii


2009 Van Cliburn Competition Juror Richard Dyer, a chief music critic for The Boston Globe, said, "Very seldom do I close my notebook and just give myself over to it, and he made that necessary. I didn't want to be interrupted in what I was hearing."

Van Cliburn 2009 - FINAL-Concerto-Nobuyuki Tsujii

"Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 11: II. Romanze: Larghetto" by Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, James Conlon and Nobuyuki Tsujii, James Conlon, Nobuyuki Tsujii

2009 Van Cliburn Competition Juror Michel Béroff, an award winning internationally known pianist, told the Japanese monthly piano magazine Chopin, "The special thing about his performance is his sound. It has depth, color and contrast, the genuine music."

Cliburn 2009 Nobuyuki Tsujii 辻井伸行 Semifinal Recital

Nobuyuki Tsujii plays Beethoven Sonata in B-flat major, Op. 106, "Hammerklavier" during the Semifinal Round of the 13th Van Cliburn International Piano Comeptition on May 31, 2009

John Giordano, music director and conductor of Corpus Christi Symphony Orchestra who was jury chairman for the Cliburn competition, said in 2010, "He’s amazing. We closed our eyes and it’s so phenomenal that it’s hard to withhold your tears. Nobu played the most difficult hour-long Beethoven piece (Hammerklavier, Sonata no. 29) flawlessly. For anyone, it’s extraordinary. But for someone blind who learns by ear, it’s mind-boggling."


The source of the experience

Tsujii, Nobuyuki

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items


Activities and commonsteps
