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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Masters and Houston - Experiences of hell



Type of Spiritual Experience


Hell is a function of life not death. And you suffer all the torments that Dante and other poets describe if you practise hate. And you experience them in life. 

Theologians have attempted to add a little extra threat by making it appear that we would go there for eternity after we die, but this is simply not true from the evidence I have gathered. If you suffer – and suffer many people do – you suffer in this life.

What happens in death is something else and based on your actions. A soul who has a lot of hellish software requires a considerable amount of work to clean up, there seems to be some evidence that the real losers are simply erased as a waste of effort, but whatever retribution exists, exists now.

If you have a dream or vision which involves hell, there is much more of a possibility that you are experiencing the software you have created or which has been created within you by the actions of others.

Occasionally people are given warnings, by showing them what the total 'created' package of hell looks like, [as Dante was] but it is far more of an indication that this is indeed where you are – you have sunk to this level as a person – you are worse than in the mire, you are up to it neck deep – or worse.

A description of the experience

The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience – Dr Robert Masters and Dr Jean Houston

This case is especially interesting in that it well may shed light on the mythopoeic process, particularly as it is involved in the genesis and elaboration of the fairy tale.

Its details clearly disclose how ugly and threatening figures and settings serve to represent in a fictionalised but life analogous sequence the problems persons, conflicts and anxieties of the individual.

It further shows many points of both similarity and difference between the drug state symbolic drama and the dream – the former utilising readily decipherable symbols as the plainly analogous sequences unfold; the latter, with its usually opaque or heavily veiled symbols withholding from us in most cases its detailed meaning and relevance.

In the case of S5, the classic symbolism of the subject's experience progresses steadily from the dark to the light, from the ugly and threatening to the beautiful and comforting, as S moved in the direction of better understanding.

The first pair of grape eyes offered her are black and malevolent, in keeping with the other components of the situation. The second pair are brown, in keeping with the other components. Finally, the eyes become an acceptable blue and their clear and penetrating quality suggests to her the kind of vision she needs and wants. She then has only to 'eat' the eyes to incorporate their capacity for clear and penetrating vision into herself. Similarly, the men grow progressively more handsome and more reassuring.....


she felt the execution itself was a warning that she was threatened by psychosis if she continued to create delusional patterns concerning her husband's motives. By such behaviour, she was putting her 'head on the block' and asking to lose her head – i.e. become psychotic – 'at the hands' of the distorted version of her husband she had fabricated.

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items





Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




