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Observations placeholder

Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 08 Apporting cuff links



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

SHADOW LAND OR  LIGHT FROM THE OTHER SIDE by Elisabeth d’Esperance(1897)

My friends Mr. and Mrs. F. were informed of the result of our experiment and its verification. After some discussion it was agreed that all of those friends who had assisted at the table-rapping described should meet one evening in the week for further experiments during the whole of the winter months, and see what would come of them. We were in all eight persons.

With very few exceptions this arrangement was adhered to. We met regularly at the appointed hour on the same evening of each week, and in no case was our meeting barren of results. Sometimes distinct raps were heard on the table, and we obtained answers to our questions by their means. Sometimes messages were spelled out by means of the alphabet as at our first experiment; sometimes we put out the lamps and sat in total darkness, and frequently saw flashing lights, luminous clouds floating over our heads; sometimes a steady soft luminosity would be seen, but on trying to make out what these appearances were they faded away.

Sometimes we placed a small object such as a ring, a stud, or a coin, on the table and asked that it might be removed by this strange intelligence or power, we sitting and watching with our eight pairs of eyes. On one occasion a pair of links were placed on the table and we watched them carefully but they made no attempt to move. At length the raps or movement of the table- always the same plain deal kitchen table-took our attention and for a few moments the links were not noticed. All the time the chain of hands was unbroken and the alphabet was being sedulously repeated to obtain the messages from the table. At last we had pieced together the different letters and found they spelled the words 'Look for the studs.’

Then we saw that they were no longer on the table. Our first thought was that, through the movements of the table, they had rolled off to the floor.

A general search was about to be made, when we were arrested by further significant raps and after some time gathered that the links were no longer in the room but in an adjoining parlour.

The source of the experience

Madame d Esperance

Concepts, symbols and science items




Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


