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Observations placeholder

Gardner, Ingrid - Long haul



Type of Spiritual Experience


The spirit world loves visual puns.......


A description of the experience

I am in a jumbo jet with XXXXX and we are due to go on what appears to be a very long journey - an overnight journey at the very least.  She has a ticket and is all booked in to the flight with a space allocated, I also have a ticket, but I haven't a space and XXXXX says I must talk to the cabin crew so I get a space next to her.

The two spaces are by the door, but they are like lockers though pulled down and opened, thus there are no seats, just vast lockers whose open door forms the bed we are to sleep in.  We are given pillows and a mattress and covers.  I can't remember there being any windows in this weird plane and whilst I was dreaming it, the fact we were to sleep in lockers did not seem at all strange, overall it seemed perfectly normal.

The plane door closed, we got in our lockers and I woke up!

 Again, no sense of claustrophobia or distress or fear or anything like this.  The plane was only half lit, but I got no sense of impending doom just the overall feeling that I was in for a 'long haul' and maybe this was the clue - the long haul, but what the long haul is I don't know and why it involves XXXXX, I don't know either except I look on XXXXX as a good and  trusted friend whom I have known now for over 30 years.

The source of the experience

Gardner, Ingrid

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

