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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Like Marilyn Monroe



Type of Spiritual Experience


Tiepolo - Apollon et Daphné - Giovanni Battista TIEPOLO; Venice, 1696 - Madrid 1770.  painted about  1743 – 1744.  

The true subject  of this picture is a dramatic episode in the Metamorphoses of Ovide (I, 452-567) when Apollo ends his chase and Daphne is transformed into a bay tree [although Daphne is still in human form, the branches appearing at the end of her fingers leave no doubt as to the outcome]. But I decided a different version might be more fun!! 

A description of the experience

They said that photos were essential just to be borne in mind
Something tasteful, not too racy, and from the front not from behind
So I discussed it with my agent, who said my image was at stake
And he arranged a special sitting, so that I’d get my first big break
And the photographer said he knew the tricks [and he was in the know] 
Just like Marilyn, like Marilyn, like Marilyn Monroe
He set up a special tableau with soft lighting and some urns
And he said that I must pose with plants – perhaps some feathery ferns
And I needed to be clad with silk draped lightly round my waist
With the rest of me quite naked – but only in the best of taste
And the photographer said that I looked good [and he was in the know] 
Just like Marilyn, like Marilyn, like Marilyn Monroe
He decided that I needed to raise my arms above my head
To better show my breasts (he said); and not to look ahead
But turn my head just slightly, to show my profiled face
He powdered me until of spots there wasn’t e’en a trace
And the photographer said he knew the score [and he was in the know] 
Just like Marilyn, like Marilyn, like Marilyn Monroe

 The photographer said my pose must be elegant and chic
So he got me standing on one leg – something which needs technique
And I wobbled, so assistant came to help me keep it higher
Who held my leg to help me, dressed in suitable attire
And the photographer said perfect [and he was in the know] 
Just like Marilyn, like Marilyn, like Marilyn Monroe
Then the photographer said it was a shame, the skirt was far too long
So he asked his young son William to come in and join the throng
And hold the skirt up for me, the better to be teased
Poor boy!  He had to dress the part he really was not pleased
And the photographer said nearly there [and he was in the know] 
Just like Marilyn, like Marilyn, like Marilyn Monroe

 The photographer said that silken skirt still hung too limp and flat
So he asked his father to join in [he wasn’t too pleased ‘bout that]
And his father used a paddle to set up a fearsome draught
To make the fabric billow, I was beginning to feel quite daft
And the photographer said he knew the score [and he was in the know] 
Just like Marilyn, like Marilyn, like Marilyn Monroe
The photographer said that it was clear that props were needed now
To give some meaning to the scene [and I thought ‘really how!?’]
So he gave his Dad a Roman vase, his son some little wings
And his help a bow and arrow, why?  My God, who knows these things?
And the photographer said brilliant [and he was in the know] 
Just like Marilyn, like Marilyn, like Marilyn Monroe
The photographer then put a wreath on the head of his own aide
And the helper’s cloak it billowed too from the breeze his father made
And then a FLASH and it was done, the photograph complete
And I collapsed exhausted on a nearby casting seat
And the photographer said IN THE BAG [and he was in the know] 
Just like Marilyn, like Marilyn, like Marilyn Monroe
But three weeks later letter came from the agency I used
Said ‘Sorry no success this time’ by this I was confused
Cos in the postscript they added that the one who got the break
Was the aide of the photographer, A MAN FOR GOODNESS SAKE
And the photographer said he knew the score [and he was in the know] 
Just like Marilyn, like Marilyn, like Marilyn Monroe

The source of the experience

Blithe spirit

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




