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Observations placeholder

Kish - The Myth of Etana – Tablet 4



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Source: Foster, Benjamin


From distant days... Myths, tales and poetry from Ancient Mesopotamia

CDI Press, Bethesda


The eagle made ready to speak, saying to Etana:
"My friend... that god....
"We passed through the gates of Anu, Enlil and Ea,
We passed through the geates of Sin, Shamash, Adad and Ishtar,
We did obeisance together, you and I,
I saw a house with windows, it had no seal
I.... and went inside.
A remarkable young woman was seated therein,
She was imposing... beautiful of feature.
A throne was set out, the ground was trodden down,
Under the throne [ ] lions were crouching,
As I went in, the lions sprang at me.
I awoke with and start and shuddered [ ]".
The eagle siad to him, to Etana:
" My friend, the [ ] are obvious,
Come, let me take you up to heaven,
Put your chest against my chest,
Put your hands against my wing feathers,
Put your arms against my sides".
He put his chest against his chest,
He put his hands against his wing feathers,
He put his arms against his sides,
Great indeed was the burden upon him.
When he bore him aloft one league,
The eagle said to him, to Etana:
"Look, my friend, how the land is now
Examine the sea, look for its boundaries
The land is hills...
The sea has become a stream".
When he had borne him aloft a second league,
The eagle said to him, said to Etana,
"Look, my friend, how the land is now!
The land is a hill".
When he had borne him aloft a third league,
The eagle said to him, said to Etana,
"Look, my friend, how the land is now!"
"The sea has become a gardener's ditch".
After they had ascended to the heaven of Anu,
They passed through the gates of Anu, Enlil and Ea,
The eagle and Etana did obeisance together,
At the gate of Sin
The eagle and Etana did obeisance together

(gap, fragmentary lines)

(another version of this episode)

"Through the power of Ishtar [ ]
"Put your arms against my sides,
Put your hands against my wing feathers".
He put his arms against his sides,
He put his hands against his wing feathers.
When he had borne him aloft one league,
"Look, my friend, how the land is now!"
"The land's circumference is become one fifth of its size.
"The vast sea is become like a paddock".
When he had borne him aloft a second league,
"Look, my friend, how the land is now!"
"The land has become a garden plot [ ],
"And the vast sea has become a trough".
When he had borne him aloft a third league,
"Look, my friend, how the land is now!"
"I looked but could not see the land!
"Nor were my eyes enough to find the vast sea!
"My friend, I won't go up to heaven
"Set me down, let me go off to my city".
One league he dropped him down (?)
Then the eagle plunged and caught him in his wings.
A second league he dropped him down (?)
Then the eagle plunged and caught him in his wings,
A third league he dropped him down (?)
Then the eagle plunged and caught him in his wings,
Within three cubits of earth [ he dropped him down],
The eagle plunged, and caught him in his wings,
The eagle [ ] and.... while he, Etana [ ]
(Two fragmentary lines, then breaks off. In historical terms, we know that Etana was succeeded by his son, so in the end, he, Etana, obtained the gift he came to ask for Inanna/Ishtar)

The source of the experience

Mesopotamian system

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


