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Observations placeholder

Kish - Temple hymns



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Kish – Temple hymns

87-95. O mighty Keš, form of heaven and earth, arousing terror like a great horned viper, house of Ninḫursaĝa, built in a terrifying place! Respected Keš, your interior is a deep interior while your exterior is tall. Great lion …… on the high plain and roving about on the plain, great hill established by incantations, twilit interior in which moonlight does not shine, Nintur has made you beautiful -- O house Keš, your brickwork and your moulding of it! Your terrace! Your exterior, a lustrous suḫ crown, and your building of it!

96-99. Your princess, the silencing princess, the true and great lady of heaven -- when she talks heaven trembles, when she opens her mouth a storm thunders -- Aruru, the sister of Enlil, has erected a house in your precinct, O house Keš, and taken her seat upon your dais.

100. 13 lines: the house of Ninḫursaĝa in Keš.


448-455. O house built in plenitude, Kiš, raising its head among the princely divine powers, established settlement, your great foundation cannot be scattered. Your plinth is a vast oppressive cloud floating in the midst of the sky. Your interior is a weapon, a mace decorated with ……. Your right hand makes mountains tremble, your left thins out the enemy. Your prince, mighty and magnificent, a great storm overpowering the earth, inspiring great and terrifying awe, your sovereign, the warrior Zababa, has erected a house in your precinct, O E-dub (Storage house), O house Kiš, and taken his seat upon your dais.

456. 8 lines: the house of Zababa in Kiš.

The source of the experience

Mesopotamian system

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


