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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Dixon, Jeane - Reads Dr Haley's mind



Type of Spiritual Experience


I’m afraid I laughed out loud at this observation. 

On August 14th 1963 a group of 'scientifically trained men' intent on probing the mysteries of ‘extrasensory perception' got together and invited Jeane and her husband along, with the sole purpose of trying to figure out how she did ‘it’ whatever ‘it’ was.

Among  those present at the session held in the Washington legal offices of Haley, Bader and Potts were Dr. William Brewster, a research physicist at Walter Reed Army Hospital; Andrew Haley, general counsel for the International Astronautical Federation and counsel of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; James Shiner, assistant to the director of biotechnology and human research, office of advanced research and technology at NASA; and Dr. F. Regis Riesenman, ‘well-known psychiatrist’.

A description of the experience

Ruth Montgomery – A Gift of Prophecy

Dr Haley’s report contained the following report of the meeting "The panel examined Mrs. Dixon closely about her visions - how they came to her, how she interpreted them, and whether she had had any others concerning outer space".

"The most interesting thing about the evening was that, except for myself, Jeane Dixon was more knowledgeable about rockets than anyone else in the room."

Dr. Riesenman, informed of the space attorney's appraisal, affirms:

 "There is no question but that this is true. Although she has probably never read an article on the subject in her life, she spoke with amazing knowledge

[My comment – Dr Haley clearly thought he was an expert on rockets and when  Jeane read his mind and fed back his knowledge to him it simply served to confirm it to him - hilarious]

The source of the experience

Dixon, Jeane

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

