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Observations placeholder

Hodgson, Roger – In the Eye of the Storm - Had a Dream (Sleeping With the Enemy)



Type of Spiritual Experience


In the Eye of the Storm was the first solo album by Roger Hodgson.

The album's first single was the four-minute edit of "Had a Dream (Sleeping With the Enemy)", which peaked at number 48 on the Billboard Hot 100. The follow-up single, a four-minute edit of "In Jeopardy", was a minor hit, peaking at number 30 on the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart but failing to crack the Billboard Hot 100.

The album itself was only 'moderately successful', getting to number 46 in the Billboard album charts and only reaching number 70 in the UK Albums Chart. It performed far better in Canada, going platinum within a month of its release. It also enjoyed success in Australia, hitting number 23 on the Album Charts as "Had a Dream (Sleeping with the Enemy)" peaked at number 21.

The album received a positive review from Allmusic, who stated that the album's key quality is that Hodgson plays the vast majority of the instruments himself.  "The spirit of traditional progressive rock experimentation is alive on this album; five of the seven songs exceed six minutes."

Track listing
All songs written and arranged by Roger Hodgson.

"Had a Dream (Sleeping With the Enemy)" (8:27)
"In Jeopardy" (5:59)
"Lovers in the Wind" (4:11)
"Hooked on a Problem" (5:10)
"Give Me Love, Give Me Life" (7:33)

A description of the experience

Had a Dream


This performance of Had a Dream from Roger Hodgson is from a September 3, 2014 show in Hanau, Germany and is the first time Roger performed the song live.

Had a dream I was born
To be naked in the eye of the storm
And now it's standing right in front of me
What's it going to do to me, who knows,
Had a dream it was time
To be taken to the front of the line
Well that is not a place you wanna be
Sleeping with the enemy, you know

I don't care what the future brings
Give a damn about anything
I'd be fine if they'd only leave me alone.
But it's time - gotta take a stance
'Cause I won't get a second chance
And I know now I have to make it alone

Had a dream it was war
And they couldn't tell me what it was for
But it was something they could lie about
Something we could die about, you know
Anytime, anyplace
When you look that man in the face
Well it is not a face you wanna see
Sleeping with the enemy, you know

Mary, can you hear me
Can you tell me what it's all supposed to mean
Holding out a photograph of all that I have seen
I wish I could hold you
I wish I could hold you

Had a dream it was time
To be a witness at the scene of the crime
Well, That is something you can analyse
Something you can criticise, who knows
So we wait, hesitate
And we're making such a mistake
Oh whatever can the matter be
Sleeping with the enemy, you know

I don't care what the future brings
Give a damn about anything
I'd be fine if they'd only leave me alone
But it's time, gotta take a stance
'Cause I won't get a second chance
And I know now I have to make it alone

The source of the experience

Hodgson, Roger

Concepts, symbols and science items


Great Work, the

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

