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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Dr Norris remote heals



Type of Spiritual Experience


Dr Shafica Karagulla, born in the Lebanon but whose research took her to the USA and the UK,  was a neuro-psychiatrist who spent eight years researching ordinary people who appeared to have extraordinary abilities.  She started off being a skeptic as most scientists are [including me] but over time the evidence seemed overwhelming and she set up a research project to find out more.  What brought her into the area was a book about Edgar Cayce, what kept her going was an open mind and an insatiable curiosity.  Where she is remarkable is that she had no experiences of her own to confirm her eventual conclusions,  but like all the very best scientists forgot her own life and concentrated on the observations and evidence.

Her research subjects were carefully chosen.  She rejected all those who claimed they had these abilities but instead by a laborious process of enquiry and referral managed to find those who carried on normal professions and who never talked about their abilities but just used them. 

She found many very successful doctors and healers, with an uncanny reputation for being able to diagnose illnesses amongst this group – successful because very often they could ‘see’ the illnesses of their patients, although they never told the patients.  Instead they always ordered laboratory tests which inevitably confirmed the diagnosis but made the patient think that is how their illness was diagnosed. Amongst this group she also found doctors [as well as healers] who could heal.

A description of the experience

Breakthrough to Creativity – Dr Shafica Karagulla

One of the amazing things about Dr. Norris is that once he has treated a patient he is able to tune in at a distance and suggest treatment or make recommendations to any doctor who may be in attendance. His patients themselves do not realize what is happening. They depend on him and take it for granted that he can handle their problems no matter where they are.

I read a personal report written by one of his patients which illustrates how he works. This is one of many reports by grateful patients. She is a famous woman who lives a very busy life. She was stricken in London with what appeared to be a very serious kidney and bladder ailment. She was in great pain and after three weeks of exhaustive laboratory tests and consultations with three specialists the trouble had not been diagnosed. It was decided that an exploratory operation would be necessary.

There seemed to be no other alternative for discovering the cause of her condition. At this point she called Dr. Norris in California and described her symptoms. According to her report he listened very attentively and a silence ensued while he pondered the matter. He asked further questions with more periods of silence. Then he told her precisely what was wrong. He prescribed a simple treatment and told her that within twenty-four hours the pain would be gone. She ought to be perfectly well and back at work within a week. He suggested she report back to her London physician in three days. By that time he felt sure her London doctor would find it unnecessary to operate.

He had diagnosed an obscure allergy. Within twenty-four hours she had recovered and was back at work three days later. This was her own documented account. She went on to recount several other occasions over a period of twenty  years when Dr Norris had rescued her by a quick and accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

The source of the experience

Healer other

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


