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Observations placeholder

Dr Eugene Osty - Supernormal faculties in Man – 02 Fate is not fixed



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Supernormal faculties in Man- Dr Eugene Osty


Here follows a simple and brief instance of precognition of the same event given at two different periods.

Two years before its occurrence the percipient expressed it thus :

"Oh! Peril of death after a while . . perhaps an accident . but you will be saved, your life continues. ."

Four months before:

 "Take care, you will soon have a serious accident. . I hear a violent shock . . a loud noise . you will be very near death... what luck! you will take no hurt! I see a man bleeding on the ground ; he is moaning, and all round him some things are strewn, I can't say what"

The second of these previsions was given me in March, 1911, by Mlle de Berly. It was fulfilled Aug. 15th of the same year.

 I was going at an easy pace in my car when a drunker baker, driving furiously, pulled the wrong rein and collided. The shock was such that the shafts, which struck the frame of the front glass, were shivered to pieces, and one wheel mounted the bonnet and crushed it in. My friend, Th. Stenuit, who was with me, and I also, were stricken with amazement at the suddenness of the accident and our good fortune in being unhurt. Turning round we saw the horse galloping off, the cart in the ditch, wheels uppermost, and the baker stretched moaning and bleeding in the middle of the road with a number of loaves scattered round him.


The source of the experience

Osty, Dr Eugene

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


