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Observations placeholder

Dr Duke's list of Chemicals and their Biological Activities in: Zanthoxylum americanum MILL. (Rutaceae) -- Northern Prickly Ash



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Chemicals and their Biological Activities in: Zanthoxylum americanum MILL. (Rutaceae) -- Northern Prickly Ash



No activity reported.


No activity reported.


(+)-Inotropic MAB ; Abortifacient DUKE1992B ; Adrenolytic MAB ; Amebicide 200 ug/ml PAM EC83=100 ug/ml orl rat MAB ; Analgesic LRN-JUL91 ; Anesthetic LRN-JUL91 ; Antiacetylcholinesterase; Antiacne MAB ; Antiadrenergic KCH ; Antiaggregant; Antialzheimeran COX ; Antiamnesic MAB ; Antiangiogenic X15322253 ; Antiarrhythmic; Antiarthritic COX ; Antibacillus MIC=200 ug/ml PR14:303 ; Antibacterial 100 mg/4x/day LRN-JUL91 12.5-2,500 ug/ml PAM MIC=6-630 ug/ml PR14:303 ; Antibiotic PAM ; Anticancer; Anticariogenic MAB ; Antichlamydial PH2 ; Anticholecystitic 5-20 mg/3x/day/orl PAM ; Anticholera 150 mg/man/day MAR ; Anticirrhotic PAM ; Anticonjunctivitic 0.2% PAM ; Anticonvulsant 411 ; Antidiarrheic 100 mg/4x/day LRN-JUL91 ; Antidysenteric; Antiedemic MAB ; Antiendotoxic CAN ; Antienterotoxic PAM ; Antiesherichic; Antigiardial 10 mg/kg/day 414 ; Antiglaucomic AHP136 ; Antigonorrhea PJB1(3):231 ; Antihepatomic MAB ; Antihepatotic PMP25:62 ; Antiherpetic FEL ; Antihistaminic CAN ; Antiinflammatory; Antiischemic MAB ; Antileishmanic 10 ug/ml PR4(4):132 ; Antilipogenic IC63=10 uM MAB ; Antimalarial 0.14-0.36 ug/ml JE32:161 50 uM PR4(4):132 ; Antimitotic MAB ; Antimuscarinic CAN ; Antimyalgic FEL ; Antimycotic MAB ; Antineoplastic LRN-JUN87 ; Antinephritic PMP25:62 ; Antiperistaltic BRU ; Antipharyngitic PAM ; Antiphotooxidative JAF48:1058 ; Antiplasmodial IC50=0.14-0.36 ug/ml; Antipneumonic PAM ; Antipyretic 3 x aspirin; Antisalmonella PJB1(3):231 ; Antisecretory; Antiseptic 25 ug/ml; Antishigellic 12.5 ug/ml PAM ; Antispasmodic JBH ; Antispermigenic JE32:173 ; Antistaphylococcic PJB1(3):231 ; Antistrep PAM ; Antisyphilitic FEL ; Antitrachomic 0.2%; Antitrypanosomic 411 ; Antitubercular MIC=25 ug/ml; Antitumor (brain) IC91=150 ug/ml W&M ; Antiulcer; Antivaginitic KCH ; Antiviral KCH ; Astringent DUKE1992B ; Bilirubinolytic PH2 ; Calcium-Antagonist MAB ; Candidicide 414 ; Cardiodepressant KCH ; Cardiotonic; Carminative CAN ; Cholagogue AEHD1:99 ; Cholekinetic; Choleretic 411 ; Collyrium DUKE1992B ; COX-2-Inhibitor 100 ug/ml; Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor DUKE1992B ; Cytotoxic JBH ; Digestive AHP137 ; Diuretic AHP137 ; Emetic AEHD1:101 ; Fungicide 12.5-150 ug/ml PAM ; Glaucomagenic AHP136 ; Hemostat DUKE1992B ; Hypocholesterolemic JE27:243 ; Hypoglycemic; Hypotensive; Immunostimulant; Lachrymatory MAB ; Larvicide 9 ppm JCE10:115 ; Leucocytogenic PH2 ; Lipase-Inhibitor MED ; Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor IC50=118 uM PM60:421 ; Mutagenic; Mycobactericide MIC=25-50 ug/ml PR14:303 ; Mydriatic MAB ; Myocardiodepressant DUKE1992B ; Myorelaxant AHP137 ; Pesticide DUKE1992B ; Phototoxic 9 ppm JCE10:115 ; Plasmodicide IC50=0.14-0.36 ug/ml POP:117 ; Prostaglandin-Synthesis-Inhibitor 25 mg/kg ivn rbt CHP12:526 ; Protisticide IC50=0.14-0.36 ug/ml POP:117 ; Respiradepressant MAR ; RNA-Depressant DUKE1992B ; RT-Inhibitor EMP5:222 ; Sedative; Stomachic PJB1(1) ; Topoisomerase-II-Inhibitor 2.5 uM PM61:414 ; Trichomonicide M29 ; Trypanocide; Uterocontractant; Uterotonic 411 ; Vagostimulant man AHP136 ; Vasoconstrictor 414 ; Vasodilator 2 mg/kg cat AHP136 ; Vermifuge PJB1(1) ; Vibriofuge LRN-JUL91


No activity reported.


Curare JBH ; Epileptigenic JE38:1 ; Hypertensive JBH ; Nicotinic JBH


12-Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor MAB ; 5-Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor MAB ; Analgesic JE38:1 ; Antiacetylcholinesterase FT63(1):67 ; Antiaggregant PMP25:62 ; Antibacterial 411 ; Antiinflammatory 10 mg/kg orl rat (=5 mg indomethacin) CAN FT63(1):67 ; Antimitotic WIC ; Antineoplastic LRN-JUL92 ; Antiseptic FT63(1):67 ; Antitumor LEL ; Antitussive 411 ; Antiviral 411 ; Candidicide CAN ; Cytotoxic PJB1(1):171 ; DNA-Intercalator 411 ; Fungicide 1-5 mg/ml DUKE1992B ; Gram(+)icide CAN ; Gram(-)icide CAN ; Hypertensive 3-5 mg/kg ivn JE38:1 ; Hypotensive JE38:1 ; Immunostimulant; Irritant WIC ; Lipase-Inhibitor MED ; Molluscicide POP:74 ; Nematicide 50-100 ug/ml NIG ; Occulotensive DUKE1992B ; Paralytic DUKE1992B ; Pesticide DUKE1992B ; Respirainhibitor DUKE1992B ; Tetanic DUKE1992B ; Topoisomerase-I-Inhibitor JOC58:5025


No activity reported.


No activity reported.


No activity reported.


Antibacterial DUKE1992B ; Antineuromuscular ED50=10 mg/kg; Antispasmodic KCH ; CNS-Depressant KCH ; Curaroid <1% tubocurarine HDN ; Hypotensive; PAF-Inhibitor FT62:150 ; Paralytic HDN ; Pesticide DUKE1992B ; Toxic HDN ; Vasodilator KCH


Antileukemic 30-50 ppm DUKE1992B ; Antitumor PC29(4):1113 ; Reverse-Transcriptase-Inhibitor DUKE1992B ; Topoisomerase-I-Inhibitor 0.15 uM; Topoisomerase-II-Inhibitor 40 uM CRT6:813


No activity reported.

RESIN Plant: DUKE1992A

No activity reported.


Abortifacient DUKE1992B ; Adrenostimulant DUKE1992B ; Analgesic JBH ; Anticonvulsant JBH ; Antidiuretic JE38:1 ; Antimalarial IC50=48.2 ug/ml JE15:204 ; Antipyretic JBH ; Antispasmodic JE38:1 ; Candidicide JBH ; CNS-Depressant JBH ; CNS-Stimulant DUKE1992B ; Ecbolic DUKE1992B ; Hypertensive DUKE1992B ; Hypothermic W&W ; Myorelaxant DUKE1992B ; Myotonic DUKE1992B ; Pesticide DUKE1992B ; Phototoxic JBH ; Sedative W&W ; Uterocontractant DUKE1992B ; Vasodilator DUKE1992B


No activity reported.


Anthelmintic JNP59:205 ; Antibacterial JE26:74 ; Anticancer JAF47:397 ; Anticariogenic JNP59:205 ; Antidiarrheic DUKE1992B ; Antidysenteric DUKE1992B ; Antihepatotoxic JNP59:205 ; AntiHIV JNP59:205 ; Antihypertensive JNP59:205 ; Antilipolytic JNP59:205 ; Antimutagenic DUKE1992B ; Antinephritic CPB38:1049 ; Antiophidic EMP5:363 ; Antioxidant 1/3 quercetin JAF47:397 IC50=1.44 ug/ml CPB38:1051 ; Antiradicular 1/3 quercetin JAF47:397 500 mg/kg/day orl mus CPB38:1049 ; Antirenitic CPB38:1049 ; Antitumor; Antitumor-Promoter JAF47:397 ; Antiulcer JNP59:205 ; Antiviral; Cancer-Preventive HG22:14 ; Carcinogenic AHP156 ; Chelator JNP59:205 ; Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor JNP59:205 ; Glucosyl-Transferase-Inhibitor JNP59:205 ; Hepatoprotective DUKE1992B ; Immunosuppressant RWG29 ; Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor JNP59:205 ; MAO-Inhibitor JNP59:205 ; Ornithine-Decarboxylase-Inhibitor JNP59:205 ; Pesticide DUKE1992B ; Psychotropic CPB38:1049 ; Xanthine-Oxidase-Inhibitor JNP59:205


No activity reported.


No activity reported.


Antifeedant JEE88:1771 ; Antiprostaglandin JBH ; Antitumor JBH ; Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor JBH


DME-Inhibitor IC50=57.5 uM ACM:134

The source of the experience

Dr Dukes plant database

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Northern prickly ash



411: Williamson, E. M. and Evans, F. J., Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations, Revised Ed., Saffron Walden, the C. W. Daniel Co., Ltd., Essex UK, 362 pp, 1988, reprint 1989.

414: Jim Duke's personal files

ACM:134: Advance in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research. 1985. Eds. H. M. Chang, H. W. Yeung, W. -W. Tso and A. Koo. World Scientific Publishing Co., Philadelphia Pa., page 134.

AEHD1:101: Jim Duke's personal files

AEHD1:99: Jim Duke's personal files

AHP136: Jim Duke's personal files

AHP137: Jim Duke's personal files

AHP156: Jim Duke's personal files

BRU: Bruneton, J. 1999. Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Medicinal Plants. 2nd Ed. Lavoisier Publishing, Paris. 1119 pp.

CAN: Newall, C. A., Anderson, L. A. and Phillipson, J. D. 1996. Herbal Medicine - A Guide for Health-care Professionals. The Pharmaceutical Press, London. 296pp.

CHP12:526: Huang, C. G., Chu, Z. L., Yang, Z. M. 1991. Effect of Berberine on Synthesis of Platelet TXA2 and Plasma PGI2 in Rabbits. Chung-Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao, 12(6): 526-528.

COX: Jim Duke's personal files

CPB38:1049: Uchida, U., Ohta, H., Niwa, M., Mori, A., Nonaka, G-i., Nishioka, I., and Zaki, M. 1989. Prolongation of Life Span of Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSP) Ingesting Persimmon Tannin. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(4): 1049-1052, 1990.

CPB38:1051: Jim Duke's personal files

CRT6:813: Wang, L. K., Johnson, R. K., Hecht, S. M. 1993. Inhibition of Topoisomerase I Function by Nitidine and Fagaronine. Chem Res Toxicol, 6: 813-818.

DUKE1992A: Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.

DUKE1992B: Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of biologically active phytochemicals and their activities. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.

EMP5:222: Jim Duke's personal files

EMP5:363: Economic & Medicinal Plant Research, 5: 363.

FEL: Jim Duke's personal files

FT62:150: Jim Duke's personal files

FT63(1):67: Jim Duke's personal files

HDN: Neuwinger, H. D. 1996. African Ethnobotany - Poisons and Drugs. Chapman & Hall, New York. 941 pp.

HG22:14: HerbalGram No. 22 - Spring 1990, page 14.

JAF47:397: Jim Duke's personal files

JAF48:1058: Jim Duke's personal files

JBH: Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.

JCE10:115: Jim Duke's personal files

JE15:204: Khalid, S.A., Farouk, A., Geary**, T.G., and Jensen, J.B. 1985. Potential Antimalarial Candidates From African Plants: An In Vitro Approach Using Plasmodium falciparum*. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 15: 201-209, 1986.

JE26:74: Jim Duke's personal files

JE27:243: Ivorra, M.D., Paya, M., and Villar, A. 1989. A Review of Natural Products and Plants as Potential Antidiabetic Drugs. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 27: 243-275, 1989.

JE32:161: Jim Duke's personal files

JE32:173: Jim Duke's personal files

JE38:1: Jim Duke's personal files

JEE88:1771: Jim Duke's personal files

JNP59:205: Jim Duke's personal files

JOC58:5025: Fang, S. D., Wang, L. K., Hect, S. M. 1993. Inhibitors of DNA Topoisomerase I Isolated From the Roots of Zanthoxylum nitidum. J Org Chem, 58: 5025-5027.

KCH: Huang, K. C. 1993. The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 388 pp.

LEL: Lewis and Elvin-Lewis, Medical Botany, ca 1977

LRN-JUL91: Jim Duke's personal files

LRN-JUL92: Jim Duke's personal files

LRN-JUN87: Jim Duke's personal files

M29: Martindale's 29th

MAB: Mills, Simon and Bone, Kerry. 2000. Phytotherapy. Churchill Livinston, Edinburgh.

MAR: Martindale's 28th

MED: Medline (post 1990 searches filed in my computer)

NIG: Nigg, H.N. and Seigler, D.S., eds. 1992. Phytochemical Resources for Medicine and Agriculture. Plenum Press, New York. 445 pp.

PAM: Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf).

PC29(4):1113: Jim Duke's personal files

PH2: Jim Duke's personal files

PJB1(1): Jim Duke's personal files

PJB1(1):171: Jim Duke's personal files

PJB1(3):231: Jim Duke's personal files

PM60:421: Jim Duke's personal files

PM61:414: Kobayashi, Y, Yamashita, Y., Fujii, N., Takaboshi, K., Kawakami, T., Kawamura, M., Mizukami, T., Nakano, H. 1995. Inhibitors of DNA Topoisomerase I and II Isolated From the Coptis Rhizomes. Planta Medica, 61: 414-418.

PMP25:62: Jim Duke's personal files

POP:117: Jim Duke's personal files

POP:74: Jim Duke's personal files

PR14:303: Jim Duke's personal files

PR4(4):132: Jim Duke's personal files

RWG29: Jim Duke's personal files

W&M: Werbach & Murray, 1994.

W&W: Wagner & Wolff, eds. 1977. New Natural Products (RS164. I56. 176)

WIC: Wichtl, M. 1984. Teedrogen. Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker und Arzte. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellscharft. mbH Stuttgart. 393 pp.

X15322253: Jim Duke's personal files

ppm = parts per million
tr = trace


Mon Nov 2 11:19:04 EST 2015