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Observations placeholder

Dr Duke's list of anti-psoriasis activity for Tea



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Psoriasis activities for Camellia sinensis



Antiallergic - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf.
Antiallergic - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf. [48700 - 54300 ppm.]
Antiallergic - APIGENIN. Leaf.
Antiallergic - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiallergic - CALCIUM. Leaf. [327 - 2456 ppm.]
Antiallergic - KAEMPFEROL. Leaf.
Antiallergic - KAEMPFEROL. Shoot.
Antiallergic - LINALOOL. Shoot.
Antiallergic - LINALOOL. Leaf.
Antiallergic - LINALOOL. Leaf Essent. Oil.
Antiallergic - MENTHOL. Leaf.
Antiallergic - NIACIN. Leaf. [46 - 76 ppm.]
Antiallergic - OPCS. Plant.
Antiallergic - PANTOTHENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiallergic - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antiallergic - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antiallergic - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antiallergic - RUTIN. Leaf.
Antidermatitic - APIGENIN. Leaf.
Antidermatitic - CAFFEINE. Stem.
Antidermatitic - CAFFEINE. Flower.
Antidermatitic - CAFFEINE. Plant.
Antidermatitic - CAFFEINE. Seed Coat.
Antidermatitic - CAFFEINE. Anther.
Antidermatitic - CAFFEINE. Seed.
Antidermatitic - CAFFEINE. Leaf.
Antidermatitic - CAFFEINE. Shoot.
Antidermatitic - CAFFEINE. Pericarp.
Antidermatitic - CAFFEINE. Tissue Culture.
Antidermatitic - GUAIACOL. Leaf.
Antidermatitic - HYPEROSIDE. Leaf.
Antidermatitic - NIACIN. Leaf. [46 - 76 ppm.]
Antidermatitic - PANTOTHENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antidermatitic - PROCYANIDIN-B-4. Leaf.
Antidermatitic - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antidermatitic - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antidermatitic - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antidermatitic - RUTIN. Leaf.
Antidermatitic - VITEXIN. Leaf.
Antieczemic - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antieczemic - GUAIACOL. Leaf.
Antieczemic - LINOLEIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antieczemic - LINOLEIC-ACID. Seed Oil.
Antieczemic - SALICYLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antieczemic - ZINC. Leaf.
Antiedemic - ALPHA-AMYRIN. Seed Oil.
Antiedemic - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiedemic - BETA-AMYRIN. Seed Oil.
Antiedemic - BETA-DAMASCENONE. Leaf.
Antiedemic - BETA-SITOSTEROL. Leaf.
Antiedemic - BETA-SITOSTEROL. Seed Oil.
Antiedemic - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiedemic - EUGENOL. Fruit Essent. Oil.
Antiedemic - LINALOOL. Shoot.
Antiedemic - LINALOOL. Leaf Essent. Oil.
Antiedemic - LINALOOL. Leaf.
Antiedemic - LUPEOL. Seed Oil.
Antiedemic - OPCS. Plant.
Antiedemic - QUERCITRIN. Leaf.
Antiedemic - RUTIN. Leaf.
Antiedemic - UMBELLIFERONE. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - (+)-CATECHIN. Anther.
Antiinflammatory - (+)-CATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Antiinflammatory - (+)-CATECHIN. Stem.
Antiinflammatory - (+)-CATECHIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Antiinflammatory - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Flower.
Antiinflammatory - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Stem.
Antiinflammatory - ALLANTOIN. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - ALPHA-AMYRIN. Seed Oil.
Antiinflammatory - ALPHA-PINENE. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - ALPHA-SPINASTEROL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - ALPHA-TERPINEOL. Shoot.
Antiinflammatory - ALPHA-TERPINEOL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - APIGENIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - APIGENIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - BETA-AMYRIN. Seed Oil.
Antiinflammatory - BETA-DAMASCENONE. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - BETA-SITOSTEROL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - BETA-SITOSTEROL. Seed Oil.
Antiinflammatory - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - CARVACROL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Tissue Culture.
Antiinflammatory - CINNAMIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - COPPER. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - EPICATECHIN. Leaf. [149 - 21250 ppm.]
Antiinflammatory - EUGENOL. Fruit Essent. Oil.
Antiinflammatory - GALLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - HYPEROSIDE. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - ISOQUERCITRIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - KAEMPFERITRIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - KAEMPFEROL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - KAEMPFEROL. Shoot.
Antiinflammatory - KAEMPFEROL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - KAEMPFEROL. Shoot.
Antiinflammatory - LIMONENE. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - LINALOOL. Shoot.
Antiinflammatory - LINALOOL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - LINALOOL. Leaf Essent. Oil.
Antiinflammatory - LINOLEIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - LINOLEIC-ACID. Seed Oil.
Antiinflammatory - LUPEOL. Seed Oil.
Antiinflammatory - MAGNESIUM. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - MENTHOL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - METHYL-SALICYLATE. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - MYRICETIN. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - MYRICETIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - NARINGENIN. Shoot.
Antiinflammatory - NEO-CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - OLEIC-ACID. Seed Oil.
Antiinflammatory - OLEIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - OPCS. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antiinflammatory - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antiinflammatory - QUERCETIN-3-O-BETA-D-GLUCOSIDE. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - QUERCITRIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - RUTIN. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - SALICYLATES. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - SALICYLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - STIGMASTEROL. Seed Oil.
Antiinflammatory - THYMOL. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - UMBELLIFERONE. Leaf.
Antiinflammatory - VITEXIN. Leaf.
Antikeratotic - EUGENOL. Fruit Essent. Oil.
Antileukotriene - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Antileukotriene - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Leaf.
Antileukotriene - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Flower.
Antileukotriene - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Stem.
Antileukotriene - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antileukotriene - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antileukotriene - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Tissue Culture.
Antileukotriene - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antileukotriene - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antileukotriene - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - (+)-CATECHIN. Anther.
Antioxidant - (+)-CATECHIN. Stem.
Antioxidant - (+)-CATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Antioxidant - (+)-CATECHIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - (+)-GALLOCATECHIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Antioxidant - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Flower.
Antioxidant - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Stem.
Antioxidant - (-)-EPICATECHIN-3-O-GALLATE. Leaf. [3077 - 3188 ppm.]
Antioxidant - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN. Leaf. [862 - 31000 ppm.]
Antioxidant - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN. Leaf. [862 - 31000 ppm.]
Antioxidant - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-3-O-GALLATE. Leaf. [7140 - 8718 ppm.]
Antioxidant - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf. [48700 - 54300 ppm.]
Antioxidant - 4-TERPINEOL. Leaf.
Antioxidant - ALANINE. Plant.
Antioxidant - ALLANTOIN. Plant.
Antioxidant - APIGENIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - APIGENIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - BETA-CAROTENE. Leaf. [27 - 84 ppm.]
Antioxidant - BETA-SITOSTEROL. Leaf.
Antioxidant - BETA-SITOSTEROL. Seed Oil.
Antioxidant - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antioxidant - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antioxidant - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antioxidant - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antioxidant - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antioxidant - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antioxidant - CAFFEINE. Stem.
Antioxidant - CAFFEINE. Pericarp.
Antioxidant - CAFFEINE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - CAFFEINE. Shoot.
Antioxidant - CAFFEINE. Seed.
Antioxidant - CAFFEINE. Anther.
Antioxidant - CAFFEINE. Plant.
Antioxidant - CAFFEINE. Flower.
Antioxidant - CAFFEINE. Seed Coat.
Antioxidant - CAFFEINE. Tissue Culture.
Antioxidant - CAMPESTEROL. Seed Oil.
Antioxidant - CARVACROL. Leaf.
Antioxidant - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Tissue Culture.
Antioxidant - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Tissue Culture.
Antioxidant - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Tissue Culture.
Antioxidant - CHLOROPHYLL. Leaf.
Antioxidant - CYSTEINE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - EPICATECHIN. Leaf. [149 - 21250 ppm.]
Antioxidant - EPICATECHIN. Leaf. [149 - 21250 ppm.]
Antioxidant - EPICATECHIN. Leaf. [149 - 21250 ppm.]
Antioxidant - EPICATECHIN. Leaf. [149 - 21250 ppm.]
Antioxidant - EPICATECHIN-3-O-GALLATE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - EPICATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf. [5417 - 31000 ppm.]
Antioxidant - EPIGALLOCATECHIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - EUGENOL. Fruit Essent. Oil.
Antioxidant - EUGENOL. Fruit Essent. Oil.
Antioxidant - GALLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - GALLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - GALLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - HISTIDINE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - HYPEROSIDE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - ISOQUERCITRIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - ISOQUERCITRIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - ISOVITEXIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - ISOVITEXIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - KAEMPFEROL. Leaf.
Antioxidant - KAEMPFEROL. Shoot.
Antioxidant - KAEMPFEROL. Shoot.
Antioxidant - KAEMPFEROL. Shoot.
Antioxidant - KAEMPFEROL. Leaf.
Antioxidant - KAEMPFEROL. Leaf.
Antioxidant - LAURIC-ACID. Seed Oil.
Antioxidant - LIGNIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - LUPEOL. Seed Oil.
Antioxidant - LUTEIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - LYCOPENE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - MANGANESE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - METHYL-SALICYLATE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - MYRCENE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - MYRICETIN. Plant.
Antioxidant - MYRICETIN. Plant.
Antioxidant - MYRICETIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - MYRICETIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - MYRICETIN. Plant.
Antioxidant - MYRICETIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - MYRISTIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - MYRISTIC-ACID. Seed Oil.
Antioxidant - NARINGENIN. Shoot.
Antioxidant - OPCS. Plant.
Antioxidant - PALMITIC-ACID. Seed Oil.
Antioxidant - PALMITIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - PEDUNCULAGIN. Plant.
Antioxidant - POLYPHENOLS. Leaf.
Antioxidant - PROCYANIDIN-B-2-3'-O-GALLATE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - PROCYANIDIN-B-2-3,3'-DI-O-GALLATE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - PROCYANIDIN-B-5-3,3'-DI-O-GALLATE. Leaf.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antioxidant - QUERCITRIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - RIBOFLAVIN. Leaf. [8 - 12 ppm.]
Antioxidant - RUTIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - RUTIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - RUTIN. Leaf.
Antioxidant - SALICYLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - STIGMASTEROL. Seed Oil.
Antioxidant - TANNIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antioxidant - TANNIN. Leaf. [33800 - 270000 ppm.]
Antioxidant - TANNIN. Leaf. [33800 - 270000 ppm.]
Antioxidant - THEAFLAVIN. Shoot. [11200 - 14000 ppm.]
Antioxidant - THEAFLAVIN. Leaf. [5 - 19 ppm.]
Antioxidant - THYMOL. Leaf.
Antioxidant - VITEXIN. Leaf.
Antiperoxidant - (+)-CATECHIN. Anther.
Antiperoxidant - (+)-CATECHIN. Stem.
Antiperoxidant - (+)-CATECHIN. Leaf.
Antiperoxidant - (+)-CATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Antiperoxidant - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Antiperoxidant - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Stem.
Antiperoxidant - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Leaf.
Antiperoxidant - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Flower.
Antiperoxidant - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf.
Antiperoxidant - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf. [48700 - 54300 ppm.]
Antiperoxidant - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiperoxidant - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiperoxidant - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiperoxidant - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiperoxidant - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Tissue Culture.
Antiperoxidant - EPICATECHIN. Leaf. [149 - 21250 ppm.]
Antiperoxidant - EPICATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf. [5417 - 31000 ppm.]
Antiperoxidant - GALLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiperoxidant - LUPEOL. Seed Oil.
Antiperoxidant - PEDUNCULAGIN. Plant.
Antiperoxidant - PROCYANIDIN-B-2-3'-O-GALLATE. Leaf.
Antiperoxidant - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antiperoxidant - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antiperoxidant - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antiperoxidant - RUTIN. Leaf.
Antiprostaglandin - (+)-CATECHIN. Anther.
Antiprostaglandin - (+)-CATECHIN. Leaf.
Antiprostaglandin - (+)-CATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Antiprostaglandin - (+)-CATECHIN. Stem.
Antiprostaglandin - BETA-SITOSTEROL. Leaf.
Antiprostaglandin - BETA-SITOSTEROL. Seed Oil.
Antiprostaglandin - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiprostaglandin - CARVACROL. Leaf.
Antiprostaglandin - EUGENOL. Fruit Essent. Oil.
Antiprostaglandin - EUGENOL. Fruit Essent. Oil.
Antiprostaglandin - LUPEOL. Seed Oil.
Antiprostaglandin - UMBELLIFERONE. Leaf.
Antipsoriac - ALLANTOIN. Plant.
Antipsoriac - BETA-CAROTENE. Leaf. [27 - 84 ppm.]
Antipsoriac - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antipsoriac - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antipsoriac - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antipsoriac - SALICYLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiradicular - (+)-CATECHIN. Anther.
Antiradicular - (+)-CATECHIN. Stem.
Antiradicular - (+)-CATECHIN. Leaf.
Antiradicular - (+)-CATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Antiradicular - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN. Leaf. [862 - 31000 ppm.]
Antiradicular - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf.
Antiradicular - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf. [48700 - 54300 ppm.]
Antiradicular - 4-TERPINEOL. Leaf.
Antiradicular - ALLANTOIN. Plant.
Antiradicular - ASCORBIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiradicular - BETA-CAROTENE. Leaf. [27 - 84 ppm.]
Antiradicular - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiradicular - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiradicular - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiradicular - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Antiradicular - CARVACROL. Leaf.
Antiradicular - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiradicular - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Tissue Culture.
Antiradicular - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Tissue Culture.
Antiradicular - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiradicular - EPIGALLOCATECHIN. Leaf.
Antiradicular - EUGENOL. Fruit Essent. Oil.
Antiradicular - GALLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiradicular - GALLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Antiradicular - HYPEROSIDE. Leaf.
Antiradicular - ISOQUERCITRIN. Leaf.
Antiradicular - KAEMPFEROL. Leaf.
Antiradicular - KAEMPFEROL. Shoot.
Antiradicular - LUTEIN. Leaf.
Antiradicular - LYCOPENE. Leaf.
Antiradicular - METHYL-SALICYLATE. Leaf.
Antiradicular - NARINGENIN. Shoot.
Antiradicular - OPCS. Plant.
Antiradicular - POLYPHENOLS. Leaf.
Antiradicular - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Antiradicular - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Antiradicular - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Antiradicular - RUTIN. Leaf.
Antiradicular - TANNIN. Leaf. [33800 - 270000 ppm.]
Antiradicular - TANNIN. Leaf. [33800 - 270000 ppm.]
Antiradicular - THYMOL. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - (+)-CATECHIN. Anther.
COX-2-Inhibitor - (+)-CATECHIN. Stem.
COX-2-Inhibitor - (+)-CATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
COX-2-Inhibitor - (+)-CATECHIN. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - APIGENIN. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - APIGENIN. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - APIGENIN. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - BETA-CAROTENE. Leaf. [27 - 84 ppm.]
COX-2-Inhibitor - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - EUGENOL. Fruit Essent. Oil.
COX-2-Inhibitor - EUGENOL. Fruit Essent. Oil.
COX-2-Inhibitor - KAEMPFEROL. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - KAEMPFEROL. Shoot.
COX-2-Inhibitor - LAURIC-ACID. Seed Oil.
COX-2-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Plant.
COX-2-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
COX-2-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
COX-2-Inhibitor - SALICYLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - (+)-CATECHIN. Anther.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - (+)-CATECHIN. Stem.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - (+)-CATECHIN. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - (+)-CATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPIAFZELECHIN. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf. [48700 - 54300 ppm.]
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - APIGENIN. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - CARVACROL. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - GALLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - KAEMPFEROL. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - KAEMPFEROL. Shoot.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - POLYPHENOLS. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - SALICYLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - TANNIN. Leaf. [33800 - 270000 ppm.]
Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor - THYMOL. Leaf.
Immunosuppressant - GALLIC-ACID. Leaf.
Immunosuppressant - POLYPHENOLS. Leaf.
Immunosuppressant - TANNIN. Leaf. [33800 - 270000 ppm.]
Immunosuppressant - ZINC. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Flower.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Flower.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Stem.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Tissue Culture.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPICATECHIN. Stem.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN. Leaf. [862 - 31000 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - (-)-EPIGALLOCATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf. [48700 - 54300 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - CAFFEIC-ACID. Plant.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - CHLOROGENIC-ACID. Tissue Culture.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - CINNAMIC-ACID. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - EPICATECHIN. Leaf. [149 - 21250 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - EPICATECHIN. Leaf. [149 - 21250 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - EPICATECHIN-GALLATE. Leaf. [5417 - 31000 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - EPIGALLOCATECHIN. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - KAEMPFEROL. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - KAEMPFEROL. Shoot.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - MYRICETIN. Plant.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - MYRICETIN. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - POLYPHENOLS. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - RUTIN. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - TANNIN. Leaf. [33800 - 270000 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - THEAFLAVIN. Shoot. [11200 - 14000 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - THEAFLAVIN. Leaf. [5 - 19 ppm.]
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - THEAFLAVIN-DIGALLATE. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - THEAFLAVIN-MONOGALLATE-B. Leaf.
Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor - UMBELLIFERONE. Leaf.
Mast-Cell-Stabilizer - QUERCETIN. Plant.
Mast-Cell-Stabilizer - QUERCETIN. Shoot.
Mast-Cell-Stabilizer - QUERCETIN. Leaf.
cGMP-Inhibitor - THEOPHYLLINE. Seed.
cGMP-Inhibitor - THEOPHYLLINE. Leaf. [2 - 4 ppm.]

The source of the experience

Dr Dukes plant database

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Skin diseases



