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Dr. Alexander Dubrov - Developments In Dowsing In Russia And The C.I.S.



Type of Spiritual Experience


Professor Alexander P.Dubrov, is Prof. Of Biophysics, and a Doctor of Geophysics, as well as the author of Geomagnetic Fields of Life.

A description of the experience


A talk given by Dr. Alexander Dubrov at the

International Diamond Jubilee Congress in York in July 1993.

(Transcribed from a tape recording. The Editor asks indulgence for any wrong spelling of names).

Introducing the speaker, Chairman Christopher Bird said that Dr. Dubrov was a bio-physicist so learned that he had two Doctorates. He had written eight books, of which four had been translated into English. One of the first was called 'The Geomagnetic Field and Life'. Recently, Dr. Dubrov had not only been on Moscow television in prime time over the nation, telling about such things as geopathogenic zones, but had also written a little booklet on the same subject, that had come out a few weeks ago in Moscow, and had already sold 150,000 copies, with 50,000 more being printed. Mr. Bird said it was difficult to understnad how such topics could occupy prime-time television space in Russia, and how a booklet on geopathogenic zones and their importance could sell so many copies in Russia, whereas such a subject would have no chance of getting on national television in the United States, and the booklet would be lucky to sell 3,000 copies in the whole of the United States. Something was going on in the consciousness and mind of the Slavic countries that had not wakened in the Anglo-Saxon world.

He concluded: "It is my very great pleasure to introduce the first Russian Professor to come to England to talk about dowsing".

Ladies and gentlemen, Colleagues. First of all, I should like to express my cordial thanks to Christopher Bird for his beautiful help in preparing my report now. Chris translate my Russian text in perfectly English for you especially.

Ladies and gentlemen, now my translation is about present state of biolocation in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States and its Government. (We use a special term: not dowser, but biolocation operator--it is scientific). I note three themes overall: Inter-Department Commission, the founding of association, scientifically practical research, training, publication, and perspectives. Small introduction for you.

Biolocation (= dowsing) has long been known in Russia. In the 19th century Empress Katerina Second issued a proclamation of the inclusion of the dowsing rod in the coat of arms of the city of Petrozavodsk. It is unique case when Imperials decide to include in a coat of arms heraldic signs. Biolocation started actively to develop starting in 1960, in Ministry of Geology of USSR. Biolocation operator is Russian term of dowsers. In various regions of Soviet Union these meetings laid the basis for official recognition of biolocation in our country. The first all-Union seminar of biolocation took place in 1968 in Moscow. To give idea of this scale, this standard of meeting in our country, let us consider what was accomplished at only a few of them. In April 1988, in Tomsk, Siberia, inter-disciplinary school seminar was held on theme 'Non-periodic fast-acting phenomena in surrounding environment.' It was attended by four hundred participants, and included twenty-four papers on biolocation amongst different domain of science, different disciplines. In February 1980, in Kiev, Ukraine, there took place the first all-Ukrainian seminar on theme 'Biolocation in Geology'. About two hundred participants came from all over the country. Two hundred participants, with strong scientific we see there, with Doctors, Professors, technical, geologists, medical doctors. Fifteen papers addressed questions of the use of biolocation in geological engineering, in the search of underground mineral ores, petroleum, and so on. In October 88 there was held in Moscow the all-Union scientific technical seminar on the problem of geo-pathogenic zones. Taking part in the work of the seminar were 268 participants from eighteen regions of Russia. Among these were twelve doctors and seventy-eight candidates of science; and also scientists from Bulgaria, Hungary, Finland, Switzerland, USA, and other countries.

Professionals represented at this seminar were geologists, geophysicists, geochemists, physicians, ecologists, hydro-electronic engineers and so on.

In April, in Tomsk, the third international inter-disciplinary scientific technical school took place attended by two hundred and eighty participants. Ten papers on biolocation were presented. Now, in Privaltik in August this year, will be held a new seminar. Allow me to give you some part from this schedule. At International Seminar in Riga, Latvia, named 'Earth's Fields and their Influence on Organisms', some Reports. A Doctor from Latvia Institute of Physics, Latvia Academy of Science. High level. 'Activities of Baltic Dowsers Association in Latvia'. Another: 'Electromagnetic Fields as Exciter of Biolocation Effects', and also very interesting report in 1940. Other reports in this seminar in August: 'Present state and perspective of biolocation method geological investigation in Estoni a'. And also, in my opinion, a very interesting report: 'The Dynamic of Vertebral Assymetry of Dowsers during the Performing of Dowsing Tests'. And in conclusion, 'Psychometrical of search of oil source by map'. It is a very interesting report in Baltic Dowsers Association.

So. These examples indicate the extent in high level at which theoretical and experimental work on biolocation is being pursued in Russia, in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Allow me to give some notes about the role of the Inter-Department Commission. In the organisation of these school seminars, meetings, a great contribution has been made by the Inter-Department Commission on the problem of biolocation, and its President Nikolai Sochivanov. Over the course of the twenty-five years of the Commission's existence there has been a steady growth in the numbers of participants at meetings, the numbers of members of the Commission itself, and so on. Today, at this meeting in York, we can congratulate our Russian dowsers colleagues in Russian Commonwealth in having reached the Silver Jubilee in our country, and in having performed an enormous amount of work during that period. The Central Office of this Commission, eight persons, is located in Moscow. The Commission itself is made up of approximately a hundred persons, of which fifty are resident in Moscow, and others in the regions of the country.

Foundation of Association. In 1980, after great change in life of our country, after Perestroika, a number of associations, commissions, and regional centres were founded. The first of all, the Inter-Regional Association for Biolocation. Second, Ukrainian Inter-Regional Association for Biolocation. The Association for Biolocation Engineering. The Siberian Scientific Research Centre for study of Animals Phenomena in their Envir6nment. Commission for Applied Biolocation. The Baltic Association of Biolocators. The Baikal (in Siberia) GrQup for Biolocation. The Council for Dowsing Constructors. And some commercial cooperatives who work in problems of geopathic zones in commercial bases.

Some questions about scientific and practical research in our country. Practical work and results. Biolocation successfully contributes in solving various problems in the national economies in Russia and the Commonwealth. In prospecting for deposits of valuable resources, in geological mapping, in geological engineering, in hydro-geology, in geo-ecology, and so on. The effectiveness, it is very important to know: pay attention. The effectiveness of the use of biolocation in the fulfilment of these tasks is supported by official documents, certification, issued by Government organisations and institutions. These documents are not easy to come by since the Directors of these Institutions issue them only after careful verification. It is very important for the work of Russian dowsers.

Savings made through the use of biolocation, by dowsing, as indicated by strong documentations, averaged between 25,000 and a million roubles before Perestroika, when the exchange rate between dollars and roubles was one rouble only one dollar. It is a very big sum.

So. Search of water. Results of the use of biolocation in the search of the water can be illustrated with the following examples. One of our best operators and four of his colleagues during the period 1967 to 1978 pinpointed well-drilling sites for one thousand five hundred wells, of which seventy-five per cent delivered a flow of approximately four cubic metres an hour. Only nine per cent resulted in dry holes. An engineer in Moldovia used biolocation to tap a source of water at a depth of 122 metres, with flow of forty-six cubic metres per hour to supply a factory making alcoholic spirits. Yes, for alcoholic spirits, it is needed fine quality water, gentlemen! Smirnoff Vodka and the other vodka - it is best quality only by water.

So. Search for oil deposits. A few results by way of example. Dowsers have revealed gold-bearing zones. Diamond pipes. A platinum zone. A layer of sizeable thickness, ten metres, with high metal content, lead twenty per cent, silver two kilograms per ton. Gold, two grams per ton. Platinum, palladium, and others. In 1978 workers in nine regions in Ukraine made one hundred locations over a distance of one thousand kilometres, they were prospecting for copper, mercury, rare metals, fresh water. Eighty-seven per cent confirmed the original prognosis was industrial metals.

Archaeology. In oldest Kiev, an engineer and his team found underground passage-ways two metres broad at a depth ranging from twenty metres. One hundred bore holes seventy-eight per cent found their target, while a method to detect the same target using radio wave instrumentation was much less effective, only twenty-five per cent. But dowsing, eighty per cent.

So. Dowsers have used biolocation in the express detection of leaks in the network of underground municipal heating conduits in Kiev, in Moscow; gas pipe-lines in Turkmenia; oil pipe-lines; electric cable network. The USSR and Ukrainian Ministries for Energy, in Moscow, Regional Directorate for Energy, have organised special training courses to train personnel in the use of dowsing rods for locating breaks in the underground electrical cables. It is a special course for this purpose. Along with such large-scale projects, dowsers have performed more finely-tuned tasks, for instance, in the dam of the hydro-electrical station in Ural, extremely small cracks were suspected but could not be detected by any known means. Very thin, very small. But dowsers were able accurately to pinpoint them by dowsing rods. Another interesting example. In a village near Moscow, a highway was being widened. It was found that due to increasing traffic it was settling. Dowsing showed that under the road bed there were located fissures and holes in which boxes containing explosives had been placed during World War Second. You see, only by dowsing we find those explosives.

There are only a few examples of the many interesting and you could say unique things being done by our biolocation operators. Of great interest too is the fact that our dowsers do a lot of the work in cooperation and in conjunction with geophysical, gravio-magneto-seismo-electra detection in chemical methods of search. This work has been done for instance, Professor Alexander Kovalesky in the gold-bearing zones in Buratia has shown that the biolocation, and bio-geo-chemistry have resulted in more accurate data than any provided by electronic instrumentation. He concludes that geophysical and biolocational methods go hand in hand, working to suppiement each other, and that in this connection, effectivity of location attains up to ninety to a hundred per cent. Our dowsers have shown that biolocation used in geological prospecting can be performed by dowsers working in moving automobiles and other land vehicles, and from aeoroplanes and shipboard and helicopters.

So. Some remarks about theoretical research. Very interesting research done by our dowsers and scientists has been focussed on the explanation and understanding of the fundamental basis of biolocation. Many different opinions and views on the nature of these phenomena and these mechanisms have been advanced. In my own opinion, one shared by many colleagues, biolocation is manifestation of human extra-sensory capability. My book, 'Parapsychology and Contemporary Science', was sold in Russia, two hundred thousand copies, and in eight other countries. However, researchers such as Professor Schmidt and other sceptics maintain that biolocation is involuntary reaction on the part of human weak physical fields. According to Alexandrov, the term 'biolocation' is not at all acceptable, and should be replaced with the term 'bioindications', which would more accurately characterise the essence of the phenomena. A man from Alma Ata thinks that dowsing should be called 'psycholocation' to reflect the important role played by the brain in psychic phenomena. Our famous researcher Plozhnikoff proposes new terminology: biolocation, analysis of parameter materials; biopelengation, search for directions; bioscanning details search, it is screening. So. Doctor Landa of Krasnoyarsk brings up in his work the idea of psychometric dowsing, selective surveying using various resonators, medical, ecological biolocation, and other categories. Our researchers have been working up various hypotheses for the basis and mechanism of biolocation: electrostatic, electromagnetic, emission impulse, pulsation, gravitation, bio-field, planeto-cosmic, global informational field, form fields, extra-sensory resonance - all these hypotheses need experimental verification. But for these hypotheses, there is many publications. I sent many books to my friend Christopher Bird in Russian. Many appear in the Journal American Dowser in our bookstore. A great deal of attention is being paid by our researchers to the problems of geopathogenic zones.

So. Another direction or angle of biolocation in daily life is one taken by my assistant Valentina Lebiteva in biolocation in housing.

So. Some remarks about training, publication, and publicity. In response to mounting public interest in biolocation, in a desire to learn its practice, and also with aim of upgrading their qualifications and certification of dowsers, in 1988 the decision was taken to create the new title 'Operator Trainer for Dowsers', 'Senior Dowser'. This is a person who has had twenty years or more of experience, and is considered qualified to teach biolocation - dowsing - to give examinations and a new certificate to allow unsupervised work. At the present time there are fifteen such Operator-Trainers in various regions of Russia and the Commonwealth. One of these famous quality Operator-Trainers here is our participant, my friend Vytautas Kapa-auskas. Vytautas, stand up, I ask you. You see, gentlemen, he is an Operator-Trainer. (Applause). Thirty years he operated as a dowser in Lithuania. He is famous now. He published a book about dowsing geopathic zones in Lithuanian language, in Vilnius publishing house.

So. Training. The best training in biolocation, in dowsing, now takes place in the four cities. In Kiev, this training is given in the Biologs Centre. 'Biologs' is abbreviation of 'biolocation methods'. A school which has graduated four hundred dowsers, it is scientific, it is post-graduate dowsing, four hundred geologists, doctors of science, engineering, and so on. The course of study at this centre covers a period of four weeks, six hours a day. It includes lectures, practical work, one hundred and thirty hours - it is big course. It is chiefly oriented to raising the qualifications of geologists, geophysicists, and geochemists. In Moscow, a school for biolocation operator is directed by the President of the Association for Biolocation Engineering, Doctor Vladimir Klobkov, and one of the best known dowsers in the world, Alexander Pluzhnikov. It has trained three hundred operators in dowsing. There is an additional beginners' course in Moscow, given by one of the other best-known dowsers, speleologist Igor Prokofieff. This course has been completed by five hundred students. It is a course for beginners. In Tomsk, Siberia, at the Polytechnical University, Professor Alexander Grigorivich Bakireff has over twenty-five years operated a facultative optional course in biolocation. This course was officially permitted in 1973 by USSR Ministry of Higher Education. It is a rare case in the world about official permission of dowsing. The course can be taken by five hundred polytechnicians drawn from various departments of this University. Vytautas Kapaciauskas in Lithuania also has many followers in his school in dowsing. In St Petersburg there is a special course by the son of Nikolai Sichivanoff, Valery Sichivanoff. In different regions of Russia there are small courses for operators and graduated dowsers.

Publications. Many articles on biolocation have appeared in the mass media and in prestigious journals in our country. In 1978, a member of the Institute of Physics published a book: 'Dowsing - a Centuries Old Riddle' in Riga. In 1982, in Moscow, my own short book: 'Earth Radiation in Human Health' was published, and as said Christopher Bird, in 150,000 copies. Now, when I come to London, I sign a contract for double this issue. You see, a big interest is the same to our people in this problem. It is worth noting that our dowsers have taken part in many international meetings dealing with dowsing, but many of them are not able to attend such meetings due to formal or financial constraints. In order to consolidate forces among all dowsers of the world and help them in their work, I have proposed the founding of the International Association of Dowsers that can deal with our common tasks and problems. This can lead to our making significant progress in solving scientific and practical questions connected with dowsing. We had two days ago a special session about this problem,

about creating an international society of dowsers, but it is very difficult with money we found, and we decided that Chris Bird will be Editior in Chief of the International Journal of Dowsers. It is our decision. It is the first step to consolidate our efforts in dowsing. (Applause).

Some word about prospects, and I have come to conclusion. The scientific study of biolocation demands a new approach that takes into account recent accomplishments in physics and electronics. First of all, it is necessary to construct a new series of bionic instruments for both the dowsing rod and dowsing pendulum.

Rod. The Moscow specialist, my good friend, the electronic specialist Vladimir Uschuzanin, believes it is indispensible to create a complex instrument on the basis of micro-electronics that will allow the collection of numerical information on the behaviour of the rod in space. We see only now a beautiful experiment by Vice-President Thompson with his device, and also it is needed to create many different devices for dowsing. This complex should include a non-inertial sensor of high sensitivity able to identify angular coordination of the dowsing rod. Also an instrument to measure kinetic energy of the rod's movement. The set-up would allow the possibility to examine the braking action on the rod with the aim of quantitatively registering the force of attraction on the rod by an anomaly when the rod is held in the hands of the dowser.

 Pendulum. It is necessary to carry out scientific research to create apparatus for measuring tractorial movement of the pendulum in space. When we move the pendulum, it moves in different directions. It is needed to have a special device for this for quantitatively measuring this movement.

And so. The construction of such instruments will raise to a new level the problem of studying biolocation, and offer great perspectives to our biolocation searches.

In conclusion, I have to congratulate the British Society of Dowsers. Cordially thanks for your attention. Many thanks, ladies and gentlemen.

The Chairman then invited questions from the audience.

Question: How do you get on with the healing profession?

Answer: On August 25th in Moscow will be held a special symposium 'Healing in Russia', with special sections on Dowsers Detection of Disease, and so on. Close connection. Many medical doctors have this capability.

Question: In radionics, we have some very good ways of eliminating radiation. Were the Chernobyl scientists using radionics in this sort of respect?

Answer: Yes, there is much interesting work in Radionics. A friend of mine from medical aviation and also from the medical institute created a special device for measuring the magnetic fields around the human body, and also device for measuring geopathic zones. Strong scientific methods. My friend ]s Kravchenko.

Chairman (Chris Bird): In his workshop, Dr. Dubrov showed me a picture of this very complicated device made in Orenburg by Kravchenko, and diagnostics of what used to be called the human aura and which the Russians call the human bioelectronic field. He showed diagnosis of several layers of the aura by this device, and diagnostics of health and disease all being done by a machine constructed by a man far away in the mountains in the forests in Orenburg. I have heard these stories in the past, over fifteen vears. I am suggesting that all of us - Americans and British - put up £5 or £10 each, and bring Mr. Kravchenko and his machine over here to Bangor University, where there are some very interesting scientific folks, or maybe Oxford, who could be present.

Dubrov: I support this idea. I bring you here a video cassette, in Russian, which you can see.

Chairman: A year and a half ago, Dr. Dubrov did not speak a word of English, and now he has given this lecture. I think he deserves another round of applause.

Dubrov: Good luck, everyone.

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