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Observations placeholder

Careful With Ecstasy MDA? (Sold as Ecstasy) by Dave



Type of Spiritual Experience


Number of hallucinations: 1


A description of the experience

Careful With Ecstasy

MDA? (Sold as Ecstasy)

by Dave

Citation:   Dave. "Careful With Ecstasy: An Experience with MDA? (Sold as Ecstasy) (ID 2045)". Erowid.org. Jun 23, 2000. erowid.org/exp/2045


DOSE: T+ 0:00 2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 2 tablets oral MDA (pill / tablet)

I was at a rave with a few friends in florida, having a good time and i bought two hits of ecstacy. I had rolled a lot before so took them both anticipating the effects. It was great. I wont tell about how great it is because thats not my story,and besides you just can't.

I bought them at 7:00 in the evening and it was now ten. the night was still young and the best part of the trip was over so i bought two more from a different person.

They were 30$ a pill, about ten dollars more than usual in florida. I figured that since i had already taken E that night that i should take both of these more expensive pills to feel the same effect.

first of all, the substance turned out to be mda rather than mdma.

It feels speedier with less warm feelings and is not as enjoyable by far.

20 minutes after taking them i felt very anxious, another twenty and i started to hallucinate.

I've taken lots of acid lots of times and i'd never seen anything like this. A dj's hair grew from his head, turned neon colors and flashed to the beat and along to the lasers and strobe lights.

I asked my friend to walk with me away from the tent so i could sit down. As we walked i would see trees that appeared to be right in front of me and they would disappear, also it looked like there were people in the grass having sex all over the place, as i walked on they would disappear.

I finally got my head together an hour later, I never bought ecstacy at a rave again. I still enjoy it very much, but I get it from one dealer who also takes E...you would be wise to do the same.

Exp Year: ExpID: 2045
Gender: Male  
Age at time of experience: Not Given  
Published: Jun 23, 2000 Views: 26,789

The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

MDxx family

Activities and commonsteps



Serotonin imbalance

