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Observations placeholder

Canned Heat & John Lee Hooker - Hooker & Heat



Type of Spiritual Experience


Fulfilling his lifelong dream, Alan recorded with John Lee Hooker on what was to be his last session.  It became an LP entitled Canned Heat & John Lee Hooker: Hooker & Heat.  John Lee Hooker was not an easy person to play with as he had a tendency to improvise, nevertheless, Wilson not only managed to follow the improvising on the harmonica, but add touches of his own.  Hooker was full of praise for him afterwards:

 “I dig this kid’s hamonica, you know? I don’t know how he follow me, but he do.” (to Alan) “You must’ve listened to my records all your life, since you was a little kid. I cant lose you.”

 In his last Rolling Stone interview when asked who played his music the best, Hooker said “The Canned Heat” without missing a beat. “We did the boogie and we rode it like a pony, we really did.”

A description of the experience

Hooker 'N Heat - Hooker 'N Heat (1971) (Full Album)



Hooker n Owl start 'Burning Hell' at 35:00:00 and then they go into a transcendental sync from another planet.  If 'Whiskey and Wimmen doesn't knock your dick off, starting at 56:00, it's cause you don't have one and 'Let's Make It' is definitely the best version of Boom Boom you'll ever know. It gets ridiculous between 1:09:05 - 1:09:50 and Hooker isn't just singing. His voice becomes an instrument and I've never heard anything like it before .. or since.  So some  might say his collaboration with Santana on The Healer was better but I think not.  Hooker n Heat is as good as it gets. It's the best kept secret nobody ever knew and the best blues/rock nobody ever heard and it's the classic album that everybody should discover

The source of the experience

Canned Heat

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


