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Observations placeholder

Cale, J J - Stone River



Type of Spiritual Experience


a protest song and somewhat prophetic

A description of the experience

J.J. Cale - Stone River


Stone river
Water ain't runnin' no more
Stone river
Water ain't runnin' no more
Man he done cut if off
And moved it all around
There ain't no river runnin'
No water can't be found

Stone river
Water ain't runnin' no more
Fish ain't swimmin'
Ain't no fish around nowhere
Fish ain't swimmin'
Ain't nobody seem to care
They botteled up and dammed it
Choked it up and jammed it
Killed the life around it
And stole it like a bandit

Stone river
Water ain't runnin' no more
What used to be a river
Now is just an empty site
Ain't no vegetation
It's just an agitation
It don't seem right
There ain't no trees a growin'
No animals are showin'
What used to be a stream
Is now just a dream

Stone river
Water ain't runnin' nowhere
Stone river
Water ain't runnin' no more
Man he done cut it off
And moved it all around
There ain't no river runnin'
No water can't be found

Stone river
Water ain't runnin' no more
They botteled up and dammed it
Choked it up and jammed it
Killed the life around it
And stole it like a bandit

Stone river
Water ain't runnin' no more
There ain't no trees a growin'
No animals are showin'
What used to be a stream
Is now just a dream
Stone river
Water ain't runnin' nowhere
Stone river
Water ain't runnin' no more

The source of the experience

Cale, J J

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


