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Observations placeholder

Better than drugs



Type of Spiritual Experience


The following are from the following Internet site


which may no longer be available.  It was Scott Dunlap's blog of trail running, ultra running, and triathlon racing in the Western United States. Scott was the 2004 Overall Champion for the Trail Runner Magazine Trophy Series (marathon-and-shorter division), the largest trail running series in the world. This blog contained interviews, research, original fiction, new product ideas, and all things trail running….

A description of the experience

James S” January 2008

I was a heavy dope user for over 15 years, and started running when I gave up dope 3 years ago. I used to do a lot of cycling stoned, and the feeling I'd get on a intense cycle wasted, was very similar to the high I can get on a run. The difference for me is that the high from dope has some negatives, such as paranoia, negative mood swings etc runners high is an entirely positive experience!

Anonymous” January 2008

Three weeks ago I went from inline skating 6 miles to doing marathon sessions (18-23 miles), much of it at high rates of speed (really cranking it out on the inclines) and found myself experiencing the most awesomely blissful high I've had since my cocaine fueled days at college. Wow! I now find myself waking up at 4 each morning, desperate for it to get light enough for me to hit the asphalt at 5:30. I've never been in such great shape in my life (and I used to be an internationally competitive athlete) I'm addicted! So the question begs to be asked - is this addiction all good?. But, other than getting only 6 hours of sleep a night where I used to get 8 (only because of my early wake-ups), I can't see a downside

anonymous” January 2008

Runner`s high is real ! I would compare it to Ecstasy high but its without visual effects. Actually, the rushy feeling is even more intense. I am addicted to running more than i was addicted to ecstasy

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items



Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Frenetic exercise

