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Observations placeholder

AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Dogs are the messengers of the wind



Type of Spiritual Experience


In 1989 David Wilson, who has an academic background in law, traveled to southwest Nigeria where he became a member of Egbe Ifa Ogun ti Ode Remo which is a society of Yoruba diviners living in the west African rain forest. At this time he was given the name AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi and has continued his study of traditional Yoruba spirituality on four subsequent trips to Nigeria. This tradition is called Ifa. Awo Fa'lokun Fatunmbi has written three books on Ifa,

  • Iwa Pele: Ifa Quest the Search of the sources of Santeria and Lucumi,
  • Awo: Ifa and the Theology of Orisa divination,
  • Iba se Orjisa: Ifa Proverbs, Folktales, Sacred History and Prayer.

A description of the experience

The PK Man Seen From an African Perspective - Awo Fa'lokun Fatunmbi

I have been fortunate over the past ten years to have had the opportunity to study the shamanism used in the rain forest of southwestern Nigeria. This is the traditional home of the Yoruba Nation which is one of the largest cultural groups in Western Africa consisting of over twenty million Yoruba speaking people. The shamanism of southwestern Nigeria is called "Ifa" which means "wisdom of nature"……

 In contemporary American society hairless beings with thin limbs, large back eyes and small mouths would frequently be called  "aliens". Those same beings in medieval Celtic culture might be called "ferries". In Ifa such beings are called "aja" which is the Yoruba word for dog. In Ifa cosmology dogs are the messengers of the wind.

The source of the experience

African tribal

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being an animal

