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Observations placeholder

Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 16 An extremely curious incident at Madame la Comtese P... W...involving Berlioz



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

An extremely curious phenomenon similar to the experiences of Mrs. de W... with the mediums Mrs. T... and Miss R..., on cross-references (conference given by Doctor Gelev, December 20, 1913 - Imprimerie Roussel, 20, Gerbert street, Paris) took place at Madame la Comtese P... W...

Among the songs played that day, my father had been struck by the strange character of one of them and Berlioz was the author.

When I got home, my father asked me to play the piano in order to know what the spirit of this musician had wanted to depict.

- A Sabbath... he replied.

After thanking him, we talk.

About ten days pass, when one fine morning, a registered letter from the Countess P... W...

What was happening? Quite simply this.

Mrs. P.. W., struck, like my father, by the beauty of Berlioz's piece, had asked a lady, a writer medium who had not attended my audition, to kindly ask Berlioz to write what he had wanted to play; the letter from Madame P... W... contained a communication from the master, transcribed in the typewriter, and describing in an admirable way the Sabbath he had played through me!!

By which hypothesis would you explain this fact?

Mrs. P's writer medium... W... didn't attend Berlioz's séance and didn't know me!

It was yet another proof for us, although, however, we hardly needed it.

The source of the experience

Aubert, Georges

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Automatic writing
