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Observations placeholder

Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 12 Research with Mr Gailhard, director of the Opera



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Now I must share with you the very curious séances that took place both at the Institute and among outsiders, during or after the previous experiments.

In order to know if the pieces I played were in the author's style, we asked Mr Gailhard, then director of the Opera, to come and attend one of our séances of experiments on de Condé street. (At several séances it was the Opera Archivist who was present).

This …. is how he proceeded.

Standing behind me, he wrote on his left cuff the name of the author he assumed to be present whilst he listened to the song unfold.

As the performing spirit only gives its name by struck note, once the musical piece is finished, Mr. Gailhard had to listen carefully and search by style, genre, who this performer could be.

I don't remember exactly what furious spirits came that day. However, among the pieces that Mr. Gailhard was given to hear, it seems to me that he could easily identify three authors: Beethoven, Bach and Mozart. What I am sure of, for example, is that the mistakes made by Mr. Gailhard were very few in number.

The source of the experience

Aubert, Georges

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


