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Scalp pressing

There are trigger points all over the scalp principally because a large number of nerves are to be found in the scalp.  The ophthalmic nerve (V1), for example,  carries sensory information to the trigeminal nerve from the scalp and forehead, thus all these can be used as trigger points.

There are a number of options for pressing the various nerves in the scalp, some you can do yourself, some can be done be another person and some rely on acupuncture rather than massage.

Acupuncture is more focussed, but the advantage with any form of massage is that it also promotes the flow of blood round the scalp and improves the circulation and thus any healing process.

As there are different effects from the stimulation of the scalp as this affects the  blood supply and the pressing of nerve points on the scalp, you need to understand your anatomy to do this properly.


  • Chinese Bodywork  - edited by Sun Chengnan and distilled from the work of the modern Shandong school of TCM.
  • Chinese Acupressure therapy – Wang Zhaopu